Taxis offers a comprehensive service of transport services of persons, but also objects. The ride to the airport, from the hospital or from a shopping centre. There is both national and international taxi service, but also transport small packages from one place to another.

Services: - national road transport, international - taxi

Services: - passenger transport.

Services: - passenger transport by cars - Car rental with driver.

Services: - passenger transport in the city of Prague and the whole Czech Republic - transport for mass and individual events (trips, weddings, celebrations) - passenger and multi-seater vehicles

Services - personal transport - transfers from the airport and train station in Prague.

Taxi Kladno - Taxi service, transport of persons and consignments, taxi service in Kladno. Individual passenger transport - TAXI. Airport service, ie. airport transfer. Car rental with driver. Transportation of guests at weddings, delivery of wedding guests. Deliveries from corporate and private parties and celebrations. Transportation of athletes ...

Production, wholesale: - compound feedingstuffs for exotic birds, pigeons, wild birds and rodents. Other activities: - national and international passenger transport - rental of containers - tire service - towing service - earthworks and excavations - car service - minor car repairs - plastic welding - advertising production, large ...

Services: - passenger transport in Prague and the whole republic - Transport to Prague Airport - transport of sports equipment - transport of boats, bicycles, diving equipment - passenger transport in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe - transport of consignments up to 1, 5 tons

Taxi service Domestic and international passenger transport. Establishment: U.S. MUDr. J.Svobody 100 Zruc nad Sazavou 28522

Car rental, rental company: - personal cars - minibuses. Services: - passenger transportation - van truck transport - towing service.

Services: - taxi service - courier transport.

Taxi service - a taxi - transportation of people and luggage.

Services: - personal, minibus transportation - transfers of persons to the airport.

Services: - courier transport - transportation of parcels up to 50 kg, valuables - passenger transport.

Individual transportation of people not only to and from the airport in luxury Škoda Superb and Volkswagen Caravelle cars.

Taxi service providing transport in Olomouc and outside the region. Help Drink (Drink service), express delivery of parcels. Non-stop dispatch. No night surcharge, every tenth ride free. You can find the station at the main and bus station and at OD Timpo.

Taxi, taxi service non-stop operation. Service offer: - computer-controlled dispatch - we offer non-stop operation of the radio control room - we will be happy to take you to your destination throughout Europe. - we are ready to transport your shipment to where you need it - if you want to travel in your car, but you don't dare to ...

We are among the most important taxi companies in the city of Liberec. In addition to the regular non-stop taxi services, we can offer customers car transport (SOS-drink) at favorable prices. A professional approach is a matter of course.

Services: - personal transport: - national, international - minibus transport - minibus transport - transport by passenger cars.