Taxis offers a comprehensive service of transport services of persons, but also objects. The ride to the airport, from the hospital or from a shopping centre. There is both national and international taxi service, but also transport small packages from one place to another.

Taxi service. Road motor freight transport.

Driving school - training to drive motor vehicles Services - taxi, passenger transport - towing service - limousine rental for a wedding - transportation of goods, van truck transport

Services: - transport of people (weddings, boaters, tours)

Services - express delivery of parcels - truck transport international, domestic - moving - personal car transport Rental - ships - rafts - boating equipment

The cheapest taxi service in and around Stříbr SOS Drink (transporting your vehicle home) Transportation of 8 people in one vehicle Payment by payment card in vehicles Transport of parcels throughout the EU

Car rental: - personal cars - VW minibuses Passenger and freight transport (vehicles up to 3.5t)

Car rental Cleaning car interiors Towing service Bazaar of construction machinery Storage Logistics International and domestic transport Migration

Sales, service, repair: - computers - navigation Services: - implementation and management of networks - website creation Taxi

- express transport of people across the EU, to the airport, on vacation, ... - express delivery of parcels within 1.5 from the envelope to 20 euro pallets - collection service from all over the EU, especially FR, ES, PT

TAXI, towing service for the whole of Europe, car transport up to 3.5t, repairs of road vehicles, ecological disposal of used tires, waste management, intermediary activities, restaurants,

Services - minibus transport - a taxi - sightseeing tours, transfers to the airport

Services - international and domestic bus tour transport - transportation by passenger cars, minibuses