Autoservis Marian Grajciar

Csl. armady 808/43b (areal Karnola), Krnov 794 01
Telephone: +420 604 591 317

The company Autoservis Marian Grajciar deals with servicing of passenger cars of all brands. Part of the services we offer is also the settlement of insurance claims.

We are located in Krnov in a modern car service in the Karnola complex.

You can contact us with all the service of your car. We are also dealing with a comprehensive service of automatic transmissions, including flushing, repairs, overhauls and maintenance.

Our activity:
- professional oil change in automatic transmission
- brake system repair
- ultrasonic cleaning of injectors
- air conditioning service
- car service
- tire service
- replacement of wiring
- headlight adjustment
- polishing and renovation of headlights
- diagnostics
- replacement of car windows
- settlement of insurance claims
- preparation for MOT
- service of automatic transmissions
and more.

Reg. No.: 00920339
VAT No.: CZ7607204847
District: Bruntal
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: entrepreneur with trade license
Employees: unspecified
Turnover: less then 8 thousand €

+420 604 591 317



GPS: 50°4′58.08″ N, 17°41′32.03″ E

Company's QR code Autoservis Marian Grajciar

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