TEPS DOMY, s.r.o.

Bystricka 342, Vsetin 755 01
The company TEPS DOMY s.r.o. based in Vsetín deals with the construction of turnkey passive houses. We offer a unique patented construction technology - Thermo EPS Panel (TEPS PANEL), which guarantees fast and cheap construction.

The building system element TEPS PANEL is used in various modifications during the construction of the entire house and consists of a basic EPS block and five other main items.

TEPS PANELS used by us can replace any known building materials or structural panels on the market as a building element.

Advantages of using TEPS PANELS:
- construction of the rough structure in 24 hours after the panel is imported
- construction of a turnkey building in just 21 days after the panel is imported
- unrivaled fire protection, flammability class A1, resistance up to 1200 °C
- absolute resistance to water and moisture
- high storage capacity, acoustic insulation
- exclusive properties thanks to the use of a magnesium plate
- panel joining system with an absolute minimum of thermal bridges
- easy handling of panels - panel weight up to 35?kg
and more.

  • low-energy housing units, passive houses, timber houses with heat insulation

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