Brnenska 126/38, Zdar nad Sazavou 591 01
A sphere of commercial building and a sphere of housing construction are fundamental focusing of the company. In these activities the company provides investor projects realization from attractive lots prospecting to building turnkey supply.
Investor activity:
-preparation and realization of developer projects in a field of housing construction and commercial building
-project management.
Engineering activity:
-provision of necessary licences for building realization or change
-engineering supervision in building sites
-provision of final building approval.
Real estate business mediation.
Immovable legalization.
Counselling in financing provision.

  • project and study preparation, technical consultancy, investment activities, financial consultancy
  • projects of houses, project documentation, design offices, designing and construction supervision
  • residential unit building, terraced houses, new development projects, project documentation preparation
  • engineering structures, civil new buildings, administrative centres, services in building industry, prefabricated buildings
  • oil platforms, industrial factories, power plants, brewery facilities, textile mills, engineering factories, industrial furnaces, industrial warehouses, ironworks plant

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