Obec Lhota

Pozarniku 180, Lhota 273 01
The village of Lhota is located in the Central Bohemian Region in the Kladno district and is situated at an altitude of 400 m above sea level. Its cadastral territory has an area of 1169 ha. The first written reports about Lhota come from the second half of the 14th century, probably from the period around 1378 in connection with the property rights of the parish priest of the church of St. St. Nicholas in the Old Town of Dětle Stormer and the chaplain of the same church Přibyslava. At present, the village has 646 inhabitants.

Municipal facilities:
- municipal office
- Kindergarten
- library
- hospitality
- playground.

- Firefighters
- SK Lhota
- Splavu Club.

- prehistoric mounds
- open-air museum of charcoal production 2 km southwest of the village
- Ploskovská kaštanka - a large alley of 400 horse chestnuts and lindens.

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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