Inovia s.r.o.

Pileticka 486, Hradec Kralove 503 41
Telephone: +420 724 372 818

The company provides subsidy consultancy in the field of structural funds of the European Union, which includes subsidy audit, preparation of a subsidy application, preparation of a feasibility study, project management. We organize seminars, we help the creation of clusters.

Reg. No.: 27522733
VAT No.: CZ27522733
District: Hradec Kralove
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: up to 5 employees
Turnover: less then 8 thousand €
Contact person: ing. Veronika Špačková

+420 724 372 818



Contact persons:
ing. Veronika Spackova
tel: +420 724 372 818

ing. Katerina Paskova

GPS: 50°14′15.58″ N, 15°52′10.12″ E

Company's QR code Inovia s.r.o.

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