Obec Slatina

Slatina 62, Slatina 341 01
Slatina village, 120 inhabitants

The village of Slatina is located southwest of the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague, about 1.5-2 hours by car in the direction of Strakonice, Blatná, Horažďovice. Slatina near Horažďovice was founded in the middle of the 12th century, around 1150, and is one of the oldest in the area.

The village of Slatina is also important from a cultural point of view. An integral part of the village is also its Jewish history, beginning in the 17th century, when the owner of Slatina, Kunáš from Machovice, began the gradual settlement of Jews in Slatina. He offered them land for sale to build their own houses, which later laid the foundation for the Slatina ghetto. In 1723, a Jewish cemetery was built near the village. The original small wooden synagogue was replaced by a new building in 1868. A new brick synagogue was built, a very grand building by village standards. The remains of the Jewish ghetto, synagogue and cemetery form a unique complex of Jewish settlements due to their size.

  • public administration of region, city public administration, public administration of municipalities, state administration authorities, municipal police, register office, passports and driving licenses

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