Venuse Kohakova

Naves 1, Sulejovice 411 11
The company Venuše Koháková performs all work connected with the file service. Directly with clients throughout the Czech Republic, we solve problems with the growth and storage of documents and their archiving and disposal in accordance with applicable laws.

Services for companies, cities, municipalities, authorities:
- archival services
- shredding of documents and disposal according to valid legislation
- sorting and storing documents
- digitization and scanning of documents.

Teaching and consulting activities at the customer:
- for new applicants for the operation of file and archive services, or for employees who are in charge of the agenda in the company.

We have 40 years of professional experience and the status of an external archivist, we are based in the district of Litoměřice.

  • third party activity, transaction company processes, external payroll processing, external bookkeeping, virtual office, outsourcing corporate saving

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