Pink Reality, s.r.o.

Stare namesti 60, Rychnov nad Kneznou 516 01
Telephone: +420 606 786 839

We offer mediation in the sale and rental of all types of real estate, such as apartments, houses, plots of land, commercial buildings and premises, as well as financial services such as the purchase of real estate with immediate cash payment, advances on the purchase price of the real estate upon sale, interest-free loans, payment of legal defects and enforcement, imminent real estate auctions, settlement of a mortgage or building savings, safekeeping of money and real estate insurance, all completely free of charge and without the need to visit a bank.

Reg. No.: 28814495
VAT No.: CZ28814495
District: Rychnov nad Kneznou
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: 6 - 25 employees
Turnover: 200 thousand - 400 thousand €
Contact person: Viktor Ornst

+420 606 786 839



Contact persons:
Viktor Ornst

Tomas Milsky

GPS: 50°9′45.97″ N, 16°16′24.74″ E

Company's QR code Pink Reality, s.r.o.

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