GRIP SERVICE - Vlastimil Kubanek

Cementarenska 1414/15, Stupava 900 31
Telephone: +421 901 714 410

The company GRIP SERVICE - Vlastimil Kubánek operates a car service and tire service, we also sell tires, original and non-original car parts. Another of our activities is road transport and cleaning services. You will find us in the town of Stupava on Cementárenská Street.

Car service, car repair:
- repair of mechanical parts of vehicles
- inspection, repair of engine, brakes, clutches, axles
- diagnostics of motor vehicles of all brands
- inspection, preparation of vehicles for the winter and summer seasons
- replacement, installation of car windows
- change of oil, operating fluids, filters
- replacement of wiring
- bodywork, car body work.

Tire service:
- changing, balancing tires (cars, light commercial vehicles, motorcycles)
- defect repairs
- we work with all types of tires, including low-profile, off-road and RUNFLAT.

- tires
- original, non-original car parts AUTO KELLY, ELIT.

Another services:
- domestic, international, foreign road transport up to 24 tons
- Courier services
- Car rental with driver
- towing service.

Cleaning services:
- cleaning of houses, flats, industrial buildings.

The offer of our company is really wide, we try to provide all services at a high professional level. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us.

Reg. No.: 46914978
VAT No.: SK1047674056
District: Malacky
Country: Slovakia
Legal form: entrepreneur with trade license
Employees: up to 5 employees
Turnover: unspecified
Contact person: Vlastimil Kubánek

+421 901 714 410



Contact persons:
Vlastimil Kubanek
tel: +421 901 714 410

GPS: 48°16′22.56″ N, 17°1′21.08″ E

Company's QR code GRIP SERVICE - Vlastimil Kubanek

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