Milan Svoboda

Za Brnenskou ulici 4292 (areal Agrostav), Prostejov 796 01
Svoboda - INOX Processing is a company that has many years of experience in the field, focusing exclusively on stainless steel processing - you can visit us at our office in Prostějov. We are a reliable partner for the construction, food and pharmaceutical industries.

The main focus is the production of breweries, equipment for breweries and tailor-made fermentation vessels for beer, wine or cider.

-Manufacturing metal structures and metalwork products
-Artistic metal processing

  • gastronomic equipment, hot air ovens, convection ovens and cookers, stainless steel equipment, catering facilities equipment
  • assembly halls, staircases and railings, gates and fencing, locksmith structural elements, street furniture, production of metal structures
  • engineering production, machining and turning, milling of metal parts, automatic lathes, custom metalworking

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