Qualification and Validation of Pharmaceutical production the Czech Republic
Qualification and Validation of Pharmaceutical production the Czech Republic
Qualification and Validation of Pharmaceutical production the Czech Republic
Qualification and Validation of Pharmaceutical production the Czech Republic
PreviousNextWith the qualification and validation of production processes of products predominantly in the pharmaceutical industry is concerned the specialized Czech company Lab & Pharma spol. s r.o. with headquarters in Prague.
Do you manufacture or distribute drugs? Then the offer of professional qualification and validation of the medicines production is meant for you and offered by the company Lab & Pharma spol. s r.o. with headquarters in Prague.
Engineers, metrologists and other specialists to validate and certificate the production of pharmaceutical products, using modern devices according to protocols, test the products and prepare final reports in order that provide an objective report.
Are you interested in the offer and are interested in more information? Then do not hesitate to contact Lab & Pharma spol. s r.o.
The offer was placed on: 25.01.2019
The offer has been placed by company