Children's home provides asylum for homeless children, orphans or children from socially weak families. Giving children a background, the background knowledge to return to the family and prepares them for life. The kids are so ready for adoption, or after graduation and into independent life.

Integracni centrum Zahrada v Praze 3
The Garden Integration Center in Prague 3 is a day care center dedicated to children with multiple disabilities. We focus on providing quality social services for children over six years of age who suffer from severe mental or physical disabilities. Children are offered individual pedagogical and rehabilitation care. We also help families caring ...
Detsky domov, Zakladni skola, Skolni jidelna a Skolni druzina, Volyne, Skolni 319
Children's Home, Elementary School, School Canteen and School Party, Volyně, Školní 319 is dedicated to the institutional education of children and the education of pupils with special educational needs. Our goal is to pass on to children all the knowledge and skills that are indispensable for them in their future lives. Part of our facility is ...
Nursing home. Target group: - people with disabilities - seniors.

Our children's home (hereinafter referred to as DD Znojmo) is a family-type facility established by the South Moravian Region for the needs of institutional education and the provision of care for children and adolescents whose families are found by the court to be socially incapable of providing proper educational care for their children in the ...

Educational institution, high school and school canteen.

Home for people with disabilities - residential service and social assistance.

Telč Children's Home is a school in the Vysočina Region whose history dates back to 1945. The capacity of the children's home is 24 children. The children's home is based on three family groups. In our children's home, there are usually children from the age of 3 to the age of 18, when institutional education ends, a voluntary stay allows the ...

Accommodations - barrier-free rooms only for center patients Training physiotherapy center - ambulatory rehabilitation workplace - focus on patients with spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy DMO They provide - consultancy