Město Kroměříž

Město Kroměříž

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

The village of Svébohov is a small foothill village in the Olomouc region, in the Šumperk district, located 6 km northwest of Zábřeh at the foot of the Zborovský háječek. The village is part of the Zábřežsko microregion. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1358. The name of the village was derived from the personal name ...

In the past, the village bore the names Petersdorf and Petrovice, apparently according to the mayor Peter mentioned in 1391. The name Petrov was first documented in 1869, the nickname "an der Tess" in 1924, since 1955 bore the name Petrov nad Desnou. The settlement Teresienthal (today Terezín) was founded on the grounds of Petrovice in 1789 and is ...

Krchleby is a small agricultural locality located about 8 km from Mohelnice and 11 km from Zábřeh in Moravia. In historical sources, Krchleby together with Bušínov are mentioned relatively early, already from 1273 near the bishop's Mohelnice. In the middle of the 19th century, several attempts were made to mine iron ore and graphite in the ...

The village of Rapotín is located in the Olomouc Region in the Šumperk District and has 3,291 inhabitants. It lies in the valley of the river Desná and is bordered to the north by the picturesque Jeseník mountain range. The first written mention of the village dates from 1391. At present, Rapotín is very well equipped. There is a primary ...

The Old Town lies in the north of Moravia between Králický Sněžník, Rychlebské Mountains and Hrubý Jeseník. In the surroundings of the Old Town there are beautiful natural sceneries, lookout rocks and valley paths ideal for hiking trips. The dominant feature of the region is 1424 meters high Králický Sněžník. Historical sources show that the town ...

History of Ruda nad Moravou  Under the Latin name Ferreus Mons ("Iron Mountain"), the village has appeared in springs since the early 14th century. Already at that time there was a church and rectory, which from 1350 belonged to the newly created bishopric in Litomyšl. At that time, Ruda apparently belonged to the Zábřeh estate of the Lords of ...

The village of Horní Studénky is located in a high valley, on the western edge of the hilly terrain of Zábřeh Highlands (460 - 590 m above sea level), 12 km from Zábřeh na Mor. and 5 km from the Shields.   The first written mention of the village dates from 1353.It is clear that the village was settled even before this date. The church is ...

The village of Maletín. The village is situated on the southeastern foothills of the coarse Jeseník in the Mohelnice furrow and Zábřeh Highlands. It consists of the settlements Javoří, Starý Maletín and Nový Maletín. Surrounding the village is hilly and wooded, inviting for recreation, with a rich presence of mushrooms, blueberries, raspberries, ...

Municipality of Sumperk. Phone contacts:  -information, tel.:583388401  - mayor's office, tel.:583388503  - mayor, tel.:583388504  -office of the first deputy mayor, tel.:583388556,  -1. Deputy Mayor, tel.:583388505,  -Office of the second deputy mayor, tel.:583388506,  -2. Deputy Mayor, tel.:583388507,  -Secretariat of the Secretary, ...

The village lies in a gently undulating landscape at the southern tip of the Mohelnice furrow along a stream of an unnamed name flowing from the left side into the Morava River.  The place where the village is now located, the fertile floodplain of the Morava River, has been inhabited since prehistoric times due to its location. On the right ...

Rovensko has a name after the noun plain. The municipal seal of Rovenska shows a crayfish. The cadastral area of Rovenska with an area of 750 hectares corresponds only partially with the name of the village, because in its plane lies only its eastern part, while in the west the terrain already descends into the hills of the Zábřežská (Drozdovská) ...

Obecní úřad Postřelmůvek. Postřelmůvek is a village and municipality (obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. As of August 28, 2006, 339 people lived here. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1365. He says that Postřelmůvek belongs to the Olomouc Chapter. The following cultural monuments ...

The history of Usov is associated with the castle and the first credible report about it dates back to 1260. The town stretches at an average altitude of 280 m in the valley of the brook below the castle on a hill that rises from the former castle below a steep slope to the east. undulating plane of Mohelnice furrow. Usov chateau is visible from a ...

Obec Bušín      The village is a residence with a long history, mention of it is from 1490. The name of the village (German Buschin) is derived from a personal name, probably from Bus, Bus or Bus. The sign is a perpendicularly built blade, which is accompanied by seven stars on the sides. The village lies predominantly at an altitude of about ...

Dolní Studénky village. Dolní Studénky is first mentioned in written sources in 1353. However, man settled on fertile soils in the Desná valley much earlier. One of the villages founded at that time is Dolní Studénky. In the oldest records of the Earth's records, however, the name is not Studénky, but "Studenka". The name was probably given ...

The first written mention of Bratrušov dates back to 1371 and is the will of the Moravian margrave John Henry (brother of Charles IV), who bequeathed to his son Prokop several villages, including Bratrušov. Both the Czech name and the German name Brattersdorf are derived from the Czech personal name Bratruš and it means “Bratruš's Village”. ...

Bohdíkov is a village and municipality (obec) in Šumperk District in the Olomouc Region. Most of Bohdíkov lies in the valley of the Morava River, or on gentle slopes in the surroundings. The village is situated at an altitude of 348 meters above sea level and has an area of 2622 ha. Bohdíkov consists of four cadastral areas - Dolní Bohdíkov, ...