You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

Production: - natural health products -herbal teas -Ointments -Natural Cosmetics -food supplements - herbal soaps -essential oils.

Sales and production of ointments and medicines for the nervous system, allergies, colds, for detoxification, skin, musculoskeletal system, etc.

Pharmacy operation. Dispensing of medicines, homeopathics and veterinary preparations.

ALMA Pharmacy. Pressure measurement, sale of medicines and ointments.

Private pharmacy. Sale of medical supplies.

We are engaged in the research of medicinal products. If you are interested in learning more about this area, the Pro Solution site is here for exactly that purpose. Our experts are here to provide you with all the useful data in the field of pharmacology.

Sale of pharmaceutical goods, baby food and food supplements.

PHARMACY. Sale, preparation, dispensing of medicines.

PHARMACY. Internet sales, e-shop: -medicines -medicines

A pharmacy that dispenses prescription drugs and LPs, medical supplies by voucher, over the counter drugs, LP and medical supplies LP preparation, veterinary medicines, homeopathy, vitamins and food supplements, baby food, incontinence aids

PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. is a leading Czech independent pharmaceutical company with its own scientific and research base for the development of human medicinal products. PRO.MED.CS specializes in the production of tablets, coated tablets and capsules, the daily production of which exceeds 1.5 million pieces. The portfolio mainly includes ...

Green Pharmacy. Complete assortment: - drugs, medicines - pharmaceutical preparations - Dietary Supplements - vitamins - health cosmetics - health shoes - baby food.