You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

PHARMACY. Sale: - pharmaceutical preparations - medicines - cosmetic products.

PHARMACY. Sale: -medicines -pharmacy product.

PHARMACY. Sales, delivery: -medicines, medicines -medical supplies.

Sale: - pharmaceutical preparations, drugs and cosmetic products.

Internet pharmacy + brick-and-mortar pharmacies in Prague and Central Bohemia. Possibility of personal collection and medication advice. You can place orders NON STOP - 24 hours a day

Under the MEDIPOINT® brand, the first truly functional system for the exclusive and controlled direct sale of selected medicinal products, medical devices and food supplements outside the pharmacy segment is coming to the Czech market. It thus responds to customer requests to expand the sale of selected over-the-counter medicines outside this ...

Dispensing prescription drugs Preparation of medicines according to the prescription Medicines of all kinds

Pharmaceutical and chemical industry. Production: - dangerous chemical preparations.

On the portal you will find a wide range of over-the-counter medicinal products and food supplements. CATEGORY : - aphrodisiac - teas - dental hygiene - weight loss - immunity - cosmetics and drugstores.

-Wholesale - Mediation of business and services -Specialized retail and general merchandise retail - Engineering activity in investment construction -Activity of technical advisors in the field of water and environmental protection -Advertising activity and marketing

Sale of devices for personal and professional rehabilitation Magnetotherapy ARTROGEL - sale of natural oleogels for joints, blood vessels and back and for massaging painful areas

MY PHARMACY e-shop. Retail, sales: - medication - medical supplies

PHARMACY - gluten-free diet products - homeopathic medicines alternative medicine - baby food - cosmetic products - nutritional supplements - veterinary pressure measurement products - nutritional advice - anti-smoking.

PHARMACY. Issue, sale: -medicines -homeopathy - medical, bandage material -baby food - vitamin preparations - medicinal cosmetics.

PHARMACY. Sales, delivery, preparation: -medicines.