You need drugs or medicines for your health problems? Pharmacies offer medicines for allergies, flu, colds, or pain problems with bones and joints. In their assortment you will find also dietary supplements, health aids, cosmetics, hygiene and more.

Sales, retail: - medicinal plants and preparations -natural products -regenerative preparations

PHARMACY - a wide range of medicines - homeopathy - over-the-counter medicines - therapeutic cosmetics

Biotechnology. Production of substances: -biochemical agents made to order for customers worldwide, as a intermediate product for further chemical treatment or pharmaceutical industry -L-carnitin, supplement for sportsmen, convalescence, old people, small children. Green line: +420-800 100 614.

Pharmacy U Divadla. Sale of medical supplies.

PHARMACY. Shop and dispensing of medicines and medical supplies.

Pharmacy Center: - human medicines, homeopathy - medicinal plants, cosmetics - medical supplies.

PHARMACY. Retail, sales: - medication - medicines.

Distribution, import, promotion - medical preparations - medical cosmetics CEBELIA - medical equipment

Wholesale, distribution: -nutritional supplements - pharmacy assortment -parapharmaceuticals

Services: -PHARMACY Retail, sales: -medicines -medicines

Services: -PHARMACY. Retail, sales: -medicines, medicines.