For the food, chemical, catering and pharmaceutical industry are tanks, barrels, containers, silos and bins very important. Leave to make the technology of circular or square shape from stainless steel for the storage of substances tailored to your needs.

Bazeny Kostelec Plastove bazeny na klic - akcni sety
Production of custom-made plastic pools and standardized pools using the latest production technologies. Bargain pool sets incl. transport and complete insulation. Turnkey construction of swimming pools - from dredging to tiling. Services and services for swimming pools. Plastic pools, tanks, reservoirs and pits: - high quality plastic ...
DILES Company s.r.o. Material pro kanalizace a vodovody
Wholesale, retail trade: -building and construction material. Outdoor, external drainage, sewerage: -PVC adapting pipes, tubes: -bare, corrugated, ribbed - Ultra-Rib -PP, PE, cleaning manholes, inlets -PP sewer manholes - diameter of 1000mm. Water mains: -pressure tubes and pipes - nodular cast iron DN 60-2000mm -adapting pipes - ...
Miroslav Slabihoudek Zemni prace Praha zapad
Our company EARTHWORK Miroslav Slabihoudek from Mníšek pod Brdy offers a wide range of services in the field of earthmoving and excavation work including landfill. We also recycle construction waste (rubble). We also provide trucking. We are also engaged in cutting asphalt and soil compaction. We sort and crush demolition waste and excavation ...
MKPLASTIC-vyroba z plastu, s.r.o.
The company MKPLASTIC-výroba z plastov s.r.o., which you will find in Bludov u Šumperka, focuses on the production and sale of sumps and septic tanks, rainwater tanks, bathing barrels, above-ground plastic tanks. Furthermore, the complete construction of turnkey pools, from excavation to roofing. We provide a complete supply of turnkey pools. ...
AGROL spol. s r.o. Zakazkove prace v oblasti kovoobrabeni
The company AGROL spol. s r.o. specializes in metalworking. We provide custom metalworking, metalworking, metal surface treatment, welding, pressing or bending. In our production program you can find containers of loose materials, concrete or spare parts of agricultural machinery. We are located at Nad Cihelnou 846, Slavičín, Zlín ...
Glatt - Pharma, spol. s r.o. Zarizeni pro farmaceuticky prumysl
The company Glatt - Pharma, spol. s r.o. has been producing components and equipment for the pharmaceutical industry for almost 20 years. We design and manufacture top quality equipment. In our wide range you will find pressure tanks, reactors, non-pressure tanks and tanks or custom-made equipment. We are located at Bratří Štefanů 902/71, Hradec ...
Marian Chramosta vyroba  plastovych jimek, septiku
Production - plastic sumps, septic tanks, water meter shafts and other plastic products.
PACOVSKE STROJIRNY, a.s. technologicke celky
PACOVSKÉ STROJÍRNY, a.s. they are a traditional engineering company whose roots go back to the second half of the 19th century. We focus on the production and supply of complex technological and process units for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as agriculture. In our production area, we are number one in the Czech ...
MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Sales, e-shop - waste containers - oil management - storage - workshop equipment - office equipment - manipulation technique - equipment of cities and municipalities.
DELTA X CZ s.r.o.
Company DELTA X CZ s.r.o. is a specialized manufacturer of worm, chain and bucket conveyors for food, agriculture and rendering plants. Our other activities include the production of containers, picking devices for emptying containers and single-purpose constructions. We are based in Veliny, Pardubice district. Production, delivery, assembly, ...
STUTAK, s.r.o.
Services: - corrosion protection - electrical engineer work - geophysical measurements - environmental geology.
HYDROCLAR s.r.o. cistirny odpadnich vod
The company HYDROCLAR s.r.o. deals with the development, production and installation of equipment for water purification, treatment and pumping. Other programs include the production of plastic tanks and the production and installation of truck washers for heavy-duty operations such as buildings and quarries. Our company provides design, ...
Vodni zdroje Ekomonitor, s.r.o.
The company Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor based in the Chrudim district deals with the liquidation of ecological burdens by means of modern remediation procedures; we maintain a continuous emergency service for leaks of harmful substances and we implement water treatment plants. We conduct hydrogeological surveys and search for and manufacture new water ...
GAF s.r.o.
Metalwork: - processing of steel and stainless steel sheets. - technological units mainly for the food industry. - accessories and components of lawn equipment, tractors, construction machinery. Laser, plasma burning. Sheet metal cutting. Pipe bending. CNC milling.
ZOMAplast s.r.o.
The company ZOMAplast s.r.o. has a long tradition in the production of equipment from structural thermoplastics and polypropylene. Our production program includes thermoplastic tanks, plastic stirrers for severe corrosive environments, pickling baths, square tanks, absorbers and also entire technological units. We are based in Přerov specifically ...
REMYCONT, s.r.o. Servis a prodej IBC kontejneru
Sales and service of IBC containers - cleaning and servicing of IBC containers - sale of refurbished IBC containers - ensuring the transport of containers to the destination. Address of the establishment and warehouse - Industrial zone Synthesia a.s., 533 54 Rybitví - warehouse, dispatch tel. 777 767 995 - opening hours Mon - Fri 7:00 - ...
Metal Arsenal s.r.o. - ECCOTARP
Metal production, CNC sheet metal processing, laser cutting, cutting and bending. Complete customer service, technical and technological support. Production of metal parts, including painting and assembly. ECCOTARP - development and production of collection tanks and other folding means for environmental protection by chemical contamination ...
SCHAFER - SUDEX s.r.o. nerezove KEG sudy
The supplier SCHÄFER - SUDEX s.r.o. deals with the production of stainless steel kegs KEG for beer, soft drinks and technical liquids, repair of kegs. We also produce IBC shipping containers and shipping containers. We provide trade in sheet metal and punching. Production - stainless steel KEG kegs for beer, soft drinks and technical ...
DITECH CZ s.r.o. Vyroba zarizeni pro krmivarsky prumysl
Ditech CZ, s.r.o. manufactures equipment intended for the feed industry, but also spare parts or turnkey production of machinery and technological units including their design and commissioning. based in Žamberk. Manufacture of equipment and special-purpose machines for the feed industry: - Belt, chain, bucket, worm and special conveyors for ...
Vodohospodarska montazni, servisni a obchodni spolecnost s.r.o.
The company Vodohospodářská montážní, servisní a obchodní společnost s.r.o. specializes in the supply and installation of technologies for disinfection of drinking, pool and wastewater. Our company focuses on larger orders, which we implement throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. Delivery, installation: - water disinfection technology - ...
Svarovani plastu Pavel Petros
Need to repair car moto plastics - bumpers, headlights or radiators? Pavel Petroš is an expert in plastic welding and repair in Brno-Juliánov. He uses only professional equipment and devices for his work. They will also ensure the manufacture and repair of plastic sumps, swimming pools or shafts. A satisfied customer is the most important thing ...
EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. cisticky odpadnich vod
The company EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. has been operating as a Czech manufacturer and supplier of domestic wastewater treatment plants for more than 20 years. We provide professional advice, installation and commissioning, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. We offer comprehensive services, provide project documentation and help with permits ...
SVODA, s.r.o. nadrze na destovou vodu
The company SVODA, s.r.o. focuses on supplies and services in the field of water infrastructure and ecology. We solve each custom order and propose the optimal solution with regard to the selection of a suitable technical and technological solution in relation to investment and operating costs. We offer technologies and comprehensive technological ...