Energy services includes the distribution of electricity, heat and gas for businesses and households, on the construction management of EHV, repair of nuclear reactors, the design and subsequent installation of EHV. Choose for your business or household of the optimal supplier.

TEPVOS,  spol. s r.o.
The TEPVOS city company manages services for citizens and visitors of the city in these areas. Recreation services, Municipal services, Water services and Energy services. The aim of the Recreational Services section is to manage the city's recreational and sports facilities. Year-round, regular and quality provision of recreational and sports ...
Company RENT ELECTROCENTRAL - Safarik s.r.o. focuses on the supply of electricity. We provide everything from regular rental and lending of power generators, motor generators and diesel aggregates. We will provide you with complete services from regular rental including permanent service not only in Vsetín and Olomouc, but also throughout the ...
Eltom, s.r.o.
Company Eltom s.r.o. focuses on electrical work in the field of LV and MV voltage. We are engaged in the construction and maintenance of public lighting equipment, perform electrical inspections and earthworks, including temporary and definitive surface treatments. We operate mainly in the districts of Ostrava, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Opava and ...
The company ELPRO - DELICIA, a.s. focuses on electrical work and electricity distribution in local distribution systems. Electrical installations: - installation, repair, maintenance of electrical equipment - energy constructions of outdoor and cable networks of low, high and very high voltage (LV, HV, VHV) - high current distribution - ...
MONTAZE CAKOVICE s.r.o. elektricka zarizeni
Company MONTÁŽE ČAKOVICE s.r.o. focuses on supply and installation for energy, industry and buildings. We provide production, supply and installation of electrical equipment, sets of electrical protections and delivery of measurement and control systems. We offer complex units, preparation of documentation for the start of construction, ...
ReSpol s.r.o. Elektroinstalace Opava
Company ReSpol s.r.o. z Opavy deals with maintenance of high and low voltage electrical equipment. We assemble control systems of electricity consumption and transformer stations. We are also a recognized manufacturer of low voltage switchboards. We also successfully participate in the supply and installation of technological units for power ...
IBG Cesko s.r.o. Energeticka reseni
The company IBG Česko s.r.o. is a technology company providing comprehensive energy solutions. We approach each client individually. We will identify its needs, design the optimal solution, deliver and put into operation. Subsequently, we provide warranty and post-warranty service. Services - comprehensive energy solutions: - decentralized ...
JiTa - energo, s.r.o.
The company JiTa - energo, s.r.o. provides comprehensive electrical work, energy engineering, energy consulting and authorized energy audits, including technical certificates, financial and capital services for large energy buildings and client complexes, as well as service and emergency services for energy buildings, sites and systems. We are ...
AFRY CZ s.r.o.
The company AFRY CZ s.r.o. provides design, engineering and consulting services. We help with project and cost management. Our goal is to design timeless projects of buildings and functional technological units for our clients. Our work is complex, so you can rely on our proposed procedures, technologies and constructions. Of course, we will ...
GEEN Holding a.s.
GEEN Holding a.s. is an energy, engineering and investment group, now consisting of 31 companies. We provide a complete service for the energy sector from building sources of electricity production to its distribution to end customers. We focus on renewable energy, we operate 6 hydro and 10 photovoltaic power plants in the Czech Republic and ...
MVV Energie CZ a.s. is a leading producer and distributor of thermal energy on the Czech market, our other activities include electricity generation, energy consultancy, energy recovery of waste and water management. We approach energy production and supply responsibly using modern technologies. We are based in Kutvirtova street in ...
Industrial automation, regulation, measurement. Management - technological processes: - control systems: - concrete plants, mortar plants, packaging plants - dosing equipment, weighing, measuring - consistency, moisture - technical equipment of buildings - boiler rooms, transfer stations, air conditioning equipment, measurement - ...

Assembly, revision, repair of transformers.


Company TES s.r.o. focuses on engineering services and technical support in the nuclear field. Our main activity is to ensure safety of operation at nuclear power plants Dukovany and Temelín. We develop and supply diagnostic systems that monitor the state of electrical equipment in NPP. We provide service and maintenance of individual equipment, ...

Services in energy, construction, assembly and locksmith work.

Currently, the engineering office focuses on design work in the field of industrial, energy and heating equipment, measurement and control, machinery technology, cogeneration units, renewable sources, bioelectric and biopower plants and district heating (central heat supply). Processing of input documents for energy audits, processing of proposals ...

The main subject of activity is the supply of energy-saving solutions (solution proposals, project activities, provision of technical supervision of buildings, installation, repairs, reconstruction of energy equipment and related technologies). We focus on technologies for the production of el. electricity, heat and cold.