The operation of the residential objects of type panel or brick houses take care of the construction and housing cooperatives, which have in the description of work in addition to legal advice and many other activities, such as repairs, between that fall and the revision of the gas equipment.

Stavebni bytove druzstvo Pelhrimov
The company Stavební bytové družstvo Pelhřimov operates a housing cooperative. Administration and maintenance of cooperative flats, non-residential premises. We also provide management of houses and apartments in personal ownership. We offer services related to renting and selling real estate. Housing construction cooperative: - administration ...
ROZVOJ, stavebni bytove druzstvo
Stavební bytové družstvo rozvoj deals with the complete management of houses, accounting of SVJ and housing cooperatives and provides legal advice on housing issues in the Olomouc region. We offer error-free accounting in accordance with applicable accounting and tax legislation, where your accounting is processed by a qualified accountant in ...
Real estate agency, real estate, real estate activity. Sale, rental, distribution: -flats, flats, -family house, houses - commercial objects -land, land, others - office, non-residential and business premises -cottage, cottage - apartment buildings and other real estate.

Construction housing cooperative, activity: -maintenance, repairs and reconstruction of housing fund, house and non-residential premises.

Activity, services: - elaboration of project documentation of building construction and interiors - practice of direct engineering investor activity - consulting service in the field of construction, trade and services - expert opinions for transfers, credits, mortgages - conveyance of real estate - market evaluation of property.

Construction housing cooperative. Housing stock management. Housing fund maintenance. Construction of housing stock.