Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Distribution of parcels Assisted purchases.

Shipping Road transport - international and domestic freight - over 3.5t - medium

International, domestic freight transport Shipping

Courier services Personal car transport Production - salty cakes

Services: -facility management: -building management. - cleaning, security services. - road transport. -migration. -storage services.

Services: -international truck transport. - express transport of shipments up to 3500 kg. Car service: -car repairs.

Express shipping Freight van transport - up to 2t - transportation of ship crews Escorts of excessive costs Moving work Passenger transportation - national - international

Services: - road transport. -international, domestic truck transport. - fleet of 34 vehicles. -shipping to Great Britain. - mediation of ferries between France and Great Britain (Dunkirk - Dover).

Services, transport: - transport, road transport (international, domestic) - aviation - maritime - container - forwarding and logistics - Courier services - storage - towing service

Services: - domestic, international freight transport - logistics, forwarding - courier transport - transportation of excessive loads - storage - ground and excavation work

A subsidiary of ST GROUP, a.s. Road transport, transportation: - cargo (truck) - national, international - transportation: - refrigerated vehicles - dangerous goods according to ADR - bulk materials in tanks, tipping trailers - forwarding - the possibility of providing air, ship, rail transport - parcel service, courier ...

Forwarding, shipping, transport, transportation: - domestic -international -freight - road - express transport - regular routes.

International express transport of parcels throughout Europe, England, Ireland. Special shipments just in time. Express transport, forwarding. Courier services - express transport of parcels. International, foreign freight transport up to 12 tons, truck transport up to 24 tons, deliveries up to 3.5 tons.

Freight transport. Shipping: - international - national. Tire service. Oil changes. Place of business: - Rýmařov, Tř. Hrdinů 45.

Road transport: - transport of people, personal transport: -taking you and your car away -personal driver -weddings, celebrations, company parties -Courier service.

Offer of express transport of parcels including storage.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - express transport of parcels throughout the territory of the Czech Republic.

Rental - trailers Forwarding, full truck and loading transport across Europe Haulage - transportation of materials Migration Personal transport Forwarding, full-carriage and loading transport across Europe

"MORE THAN POST OFFICE" - transport and courier service - express transport of parcels (envelopes, documents, packages... etc.) - truck transport (delivery within Brno within 120 minutes of collection) -international transport within the EU.

Trucking, international trucking, freight forwarding, earthworks, hazardous waste handling, scrap yard, car rental, shipping

Car service Courier service Taxi service personal transport Sale of scooters Sale of quad bikes

Fast and cheap moving of apartments, companies. Clearing out basements, floors and properties. Transport of furniture, goods and materials, packaging and transport services, express transport of parcels across Europe, clearing and demolition work, waste removal, car rental, cheap car transport.

Services: ADA - Jan Adamek Autodoprava Liberec - express transport persons and parcels in the Czech Republic and the EU. Car transport and passenger transport by FORD minibuses TRANSIT, 8 + 1 seats , passenger transport-transfers to airports throughout Europe. We will provide transport to company events, trainings, congresses, weddings, ...