Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

Courier delivery company - intercity delivery Contract transportation of persons

Courier service - the Czech Republic and the EU Road transport - up to 3.5t - national - international transport of goods - vans Migration Production - forged gates Sale - furniture Production - wrought iron fences Locksmith work production - forged fences and ...

Shipping Transport - domestic cargo

International bulk transport - export Russia.

Services: - goods transport - express transport and courier service - air Transport - sea transport - logistics - truck transport - forwarding.

Transport, road transport: - truck - national, international - mining.

Sale - tires - ALU and sheet metal discs Car body work Car painting work Car service - repairs to brakes, exhausts, ... - replacement of shock absorbers, oils, ... - engine diagnostics - preparation for MOT and emissions measurement Tire service - MOT - measurement of emissions Car security Courier service.

Courier service - express delivery in the Czech Republic and Europe

- haulage - road transport - transportation - shipping - vans from 500kg to 20000kg - truck transport

We provide road national and international motorized passenger transport. Transportation of shipments up to 750 Kg.

Complete transport service focused on Finland - collection service - parcel Service - Courier service - air transport of parcels - parcel delivery in Finland - storage of parcels in Finland

Transport, road transport, forwarding: - express transport - haulage - national, international - transportation of loads of all sizes and types - full truck shipments, ADR

Express individually carried out transport of parcels between all places in the Czech Republic.

International and domestic road transport up to 3.5 t. - personal transport, 1 + 7 persons - transportation by Ford Transit Tourneo - transportation of a smaller number of people (1 - 7 people) - domestic personal transport by minibus - passenger transport by international minibuses - domestic and international passenger transport by ...

Our company provides comprehensive services in the field of advertising, screen printing, large-format printing, serigraphy-art printing, calligraphy, advertising items, etc. The company's strengths are professionalism and long-term experience in advertising and screen printing dating back to 1993, as well as constant improvement and improvement ...

Courier service - express transport of goods - delivery services - delivery of parcels in the Czech Republic and abroad

Parcel transport Passenger transportation

Transport and logistics. - international road Transport - domestic truck transport - express delivery transport - domestic bus transport - worldwide air freight transport - air charter transport - passenger and cargo - realization of special transports, special transport - Air taxi

Road transport and forwarding Transport, services: -domestic road transport and forwarding -express shipments up to 1.5 tons -forwarding services -storage Brno, Prague -haulage -personal transport - daily collection of parcels within the territory of the Czech Republic - collection points Brno, Prague - delivery of collectable piece ...

International and domestic road transport: - piece and palletized transport goods -express transport up to 1.5 t. Forwarding. Comprehensive customs services. International and domestic shipping. Logistics. Business activity.

Transportation of piece or pallet shipments with a total weight of up to 1300 kg and a volume of 15 m3 or 6 pallets of standard dimensions - domestic and international transport