Speed, precision and maximum safety. These specifications apply as for the shipping, so in general for a courier delivery. Transport can take care of both of the classic packages, so the oversized costs or urgent shipments, as a valuable writing and the like.

NONSTOP courier service (messenger) - above-standard services. Express shipping of parcels. .

Domestic and international transport. Transportation of parcels from the smallest parcels to pallets.

Express road transport of oversized shipments throughout Europe Taxi service

Delivery car transport, courier services, VIP transport of people. A modern van fleet, which largely consists of modern and reliable Mercedes Benz Sprinter vans.

Road motor transport up to 3.5 t Courier services

We are a company dealing with international transport and forwarding. We provide our customers with comprehensive services in the field of international and domestic transport of goods. We provide customs declaration and customs management services for contractual partners. We cooperate with qualified design offices and building contractors

Our company is a quality service provider in the field of international and domestic transport: - transportation of both full trucks and piece shipments - express shipping - special transport -storage - they are for regular clients very interesting bonuses prepared.

Transport: - road - truck -express piece (individual) -collection - aviation - courier -cargo -maritime -container -piece -conventional -any combination thereof. International forwarding.

Advice: - technical work in waste and water management. Sale: - antifungal preparations. Services: - water cleaning - construction activities in the environment. Road transport: - passenger and freight transport.

Road transport: - express intercity transportation of parcels - Courier services - delivery of shipments on the day they are sent - transportation of letters - documents, packages.

Express courier service in the Prostějovsk and Olomouc regions.

We offer national and international transport of piece and full-load consignments. Europe.

NL PLUS s.r.o. specializes in the express transport of parcels throughout Europe.

We provide transportation. We deal with VAT refunds from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Forwarding and shipping company. Forwarding, shipping. Transport, transportation: - cargo (truck) international - piece shipments - excessive costs - customs warehouse services - Customs declaration.

Transportation - shipments Transportation - persons

Society for Economy, Transport and Trade. Transport office. Truck transport: - international, foreign - national, domestic. Transport services: - vehicle extraction - full truck transport. - express shipping - loading, transshipment - daily deliveries - scheduled and non-scheduled. Shipping: - international and domestic ...

All Ride - express courier service, we transport your parcels around Prague and all over the world. Transportation of parcels by car, motorcycle and bicycle. We accept online registrations and orders. Services: - EXPRESS shipments (delivery within 50 minutes) - SUPER EXPRESS shipments (delivery within 30 minutes) - NIGHT shipments (19:00 ...

Shipping, trucking, forwarding: -high quality of the fleet of contracted carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in time" method - insurance of goods up to a value of 10 million CZK - complete service in all sectors transport-land transport, air, ship rail transport -haulage - collection service in the CZ, D, NL, B ...

Domestic, international: - forwarding. - shipping.

Services: - express delivery of parcels around Olomouc - reliable delivery from receipt shipments within 30 minutes - if the time limit is not observed Money Back - flowers - maximum shipment of 5 kg - dimensions 50x30x15cm - tubes.

Road transport by vans, courier and express services.

Express transport by van. Truck transport - international - national - up to 3.5t - delivery of goods by van.