Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Implementation: - drilling of earth penetrations, extrusions - horizontal boreholes, boreholes - earthworks, work - microtunnel drilling. Lease: - construction mechanization. Road transport, transport, transportation: - vehicles with hydraulic arm - import of bulk materials - tippers. Sale, delivery: - steel pipes, steel ...

Construction company. Construction, bricklaying, mason. Repairs, rebuilding and reconstruction of family houses, family houses, housing cores, demolition, demolition work, insulation of facades, facades. - plumbing -roofing -small carpentry work, carpenter - skid loader CAT 246 with undercut container Avie: - removal of rubble, palletized ...

Road transport: - domestic transport - international transport - forwarding. Storage space. Service: - repairs of all motor vehicles - tire service for trucks and cars - hand washing of trucks.

The transport company SPETRA CZ s.r.o. focuses on logistics, national and international forwarding. We operate road freight transport, we have tarpaulin semi-trailers, refrigerated trucks with certification for the transport of food, low-tonnage trucks up to 9 tons brands AVIA and IVECO, tipper semi-trailers and silo cars and truck sets brand ...

The company AUTOBETA s.r.o. Huštěnovice is a Czech transport company specializing in domestic trucking. Transport, road transport is realized not only by truck, we also have tarpaulin semi-trailers, refrigerated semi-trailers for food transport. We are fast and reliable, we deliver everything at great prices throughout the Czech ...

The company Paliva Holešov, s.r.o. supplies quality solid fuels that have the efficiency to heat an entire house or apartment. We sell solid fuels and wood briquettes and we will also deliver them to you. We also offer loose building materials - sand, gravel, building materials and galvanized plumbing goods. We provide delivery for the Zlín ...

The company Mibag - Miroslav Šmíd focuses on heavy construction, earthworks and demolition work. We perform excavations of utilities, watercourse modifications, soil overburden and construction of transport structures. Another of our activities is the sale of bulk building materials and the transport of earthmoving machinery. We are located in the ...

Services: - domestic and international trucking

Services: - car service - domestic and international truck transport - towing service

OMEGA SERVIS HOLDING a.s. focuses on the transport of dangerous substances according to ADR. We operate both domestic and international tanker and container transport. We transport liquid chemicals, food, feed or gases. We also provide logistics services and warehousing. The company is headquartered in Želatovice u Přerova - Olomouc ...

Car junkyard. Redemption: - passenger and truck wrecks - price according to year of manufacture and condition. Services: - removal, towing of car wrecks up to 16t - ecological disposal of cars and trucks free of charge. Sale. - used spare parts. Container transport, transport. Excavation, earthworks and crane works: - CASE 435 ...

We mediate international and domestic freight transport, including transport to the countries of the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

Flower shop - sale of flowers, decorations, bouquet arrangements. Next store: U.S. S. Freud 31 Cutlery 742 58 tel. 605 808 222