Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

Autodoprava Jan Karpíšek - Liquidation and removal of rubble Brno - operates freight, road and container transport. We transport bulk material and rent containers for construction debris, excavated soil and other municipal waste in addition to hazardous waste, and then we will take care of the disposal of this waste. The fleet of our freight ...

-Retail business operated outside regular establishments -Accommodation services -Storage of goods and cargo handling - Mediation of services - Provision of technical services -Organizing sports competitions -Wholesale and retail -Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in transport - Renting and lending of ...

Work: - earth, excavation - demolition - debris removal - import of sand, gravel.

The company PPL CZ Ltd. provides wide spectrum of express transport services You can get extra pack of express services. Express door-to-door transport of parcels for companies and entrepreneurs (B2B - business-to-business). The price of service standardly includes: -nation-wide express door-to-door transport of packages -weight of ...

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods