Domestic cargo transportation implements the carriage of conventional shipments, the standard package also exceptional oversized cargo, containers, bulk and liquid substances, both common and dangerous. National transport can be realized in a lump sum or periodically.

We provide transportation of goods with our vehicles, including refrigerated trucks throughout the Czech Republic, Slovakia and throughout Europe. We provide regular delivery and transportation of refrigerated and frozen goods. Transport capacity: - 0-120 cubic meters - 0 - 24 tons. All refrigerated trucks that we use for transport ...

Earthworks company MITOP s.r.o. performs earthworks: • Excavations of foundations and foundation strips • Construction of roads and parking lots • Landscaping and compaction • Earthworks of a smaller scale They also specialize in container transport - they will arrange for you to transport: • Construction debris, loose materials, concrete, ...

Road transport, transportation. Road freight transport: - national - international.

Our company was founded in 2001 and is located in Humpolec. We provide services in road freight motor transport focusing on liquid substrates, including hazardous substances according to the ADR agreement, in tankers, silos and tank containers. In 2005, we successfully passed the quality management system of CSN EN ISO 9001:2001 standard and ...

We offer container transport, removal of debris, import of sand, etc. We also offer excavation work and landscaping with a skid loader, as well as construction work

Hradec společnost carries out: - construction and reconstruction of ponds - desilting ponds and cleaning water reservoirs - revitalization of waterways - earthworks - earthworks for the foundation of buildings - earthworks for the establishment of networks - water pipes and sewers - overburden work (even under water) - ...

Services: - crane works - haulage - earthworks - transportation of machines - tire service.

Services: -national and international transport - logistics - forwarding.

Services: - domestic and international truck transport Phone: 569 432 260 - service of trucks and cars - sale, service of forestry and gardening supplies

Filling, cleaning, service - air conditioning Car service - contractual service COOPERATIVE INSURANCE COMPANY - work on the leveling frame - diagnostics Tire service Security - MOT - emissions Haulage Haulage - international and national - up to 27t

Services: - bus service We are a family company from Vysočina, engaged in passenger, freight and bus transport. And it is precisely in bus transport that very high demands are placed on the comfort and quality of the services provided. That is why we offer you only the best services for your maximum satisfaction and safety. We provide domestic ...