Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Lorries: - freight transport - transportation / transportation of excessive loads earth and demolition work

Sale: - building materials Truck transport

Provision of international and domestic cargo transportation services, including storage services and customs declaration services.

Activity: - construction work - monolithic reinforced concrete structures - revitalization of buildings - truck transport

Bus transport - foreign, domestic - KAROSA LC 735 and SETRA HD 315 cars Domestic freight transport - VOLVO FH 12, SCANIA 112 H and TATRA T cars - 148 S3

International, domestic freight transport Shipping

Car dealership Sale - car accessories Security - MOT Truck transport Providing - car leasing

Demolition of buildings, earthwork, excavation work, transportation of material, road improvements. Excavation and construction work - transportation of raw materials..

Truck transport. Removal and disposal of waste. Earthworks using a JCB 3CX machine

Land transport except rail and road motor transport Storage of goods and cargo handling national and international road motor transport with vehicles up to 3.5 tons total weight).

Services: - storage - domestic transport - international transport - customs services - moving.

Trucking, international trucking, freight forwarding, earthworks, hazardous waste handling, scrap yard, car rental, shipping

road freight transport in the Czech Republic

High-lift platform up to a load capacity of 1000 Kg Transportation of all types of cargo up to 3.5 tons Pallet truck

Road transport with many years of experience, reliability, trust and an emphasis on quality. Fiat Scudo possible 8 people, Renault Master 6 EUR pallets

national road transport Iveco Daily with hydraulic front

Freight transport - light, medium truck transport - national - up to 1, 4 t and 6 euro pallets - IVECO car cargo taxi - delivery of a truck within an hour anywhere in Prague and the surrounding area Moving, heavy objects performs - cleaning work - moving

It provides its clients with global services on a comprehensive scale: - customs services - logistics - sea and air cargo - truck transport -collection service - the main market of our activity is the region of Scandinavia. In cooperation with foreign partners we provide a modern focused service to specific customer ...