Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Shipping company, center of the CS EXPRES a.s. transport system: - express delivery of parcels - transport of ADR goods - transportation to and from abroad - customs services - forwarding services - logistics services - storage - sorting - grouping of shipments - distribution activity according to requirements.

Road motor transport - freight operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods, - goods operated by vehicles or vehicles with a maximum permitted weight not exceeding 3.5 tons, if they are intended for the transport of animals or goods -Wholesale and ...

National and international road freight motor transport up to 3.5 t total weight.

Container transport Carpentry work Delivery - blinds - blinds Delivery - windows - the door Construction - fence Geological Survey Project activity in the construction industry Earthwork Laying - paving Construction and reconstruction of buildings

Truck transport - national and international - up to 7.5t - vans and trucks

International and domestic freight transport: - Czech Republic - all Europe - forwarding - storage - oversized transport - full truck shipments. AVIA service: - NON-STOP - mechanical work - maintenance - general repairs - washing vehicles, including the engine - refueling with cheap, high-quality diesel - sale of motor ...

Truck transport - international - semi-trailers with tarp Truck transport

Company activity: Printer Car service Joinery Internet Reality Accommodations Transport Real estate management

Container transport Logistics Forwarding

Domestic and foreign forwarding. Complete customs clearance. Short-term and long-term storage. Transport by all types of vans and trucks.

Offer of services in the field of earthworks, truck transport and landscaping. Transportation and sale of bulk materials.

Road motor transport offer. Provision of domestic freight transport by vehicles with the largest permitted weight of up to 3.5 tons.

Sale of sand, gravel, gravel and crushed stone. Offer soil and mulch bark. Removal of rubble.

Our company specializes in fast transport in South-Eastern Europe. We focus on Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. We go to Vienna and Salzburg daily. We also provide truck and container transportation. Our new Mercedes, Iveco and DAF trucks meet the standards of EUR 4 to 6. The vehicles are box and canvas with hydraulic fronts. To increase the safety ...

Services: - waste management, landfilling - transport and earthworks - processing of expert opinions - processing of laboratory analyses - consulting activities in the field of operational programs and processing of subsidy applications - use of renewable resources to save money: - solar energy – photovoltaic power plant ...

- Waste and debris disposal - Import of sand, recycled material, concrete - Earthwork

Activity: - Logistics - Shipping - Transportation. We deal with the transportation of goods by all types of domestic and international transport. We are strongest in the field of transportation bulk substrates by road transport not only in the Czech Republic, but also throughout Europe. Our specialty is the transportation of art ...

Road motor freight transport - national and international.

We are a transport forwarding company dealing with domestic and international transport.