Freight transport can be realized by trucks and by smaller trucks, then railways, maritime transport or air services. Transport can be arranged both in the international and national scale, and do it regularly or only once.

Comprehensive and professional services in the field of international shipping and storage.

Operation of international transport and forwarding. Transportation of dangerous goods according to ADR..

We deal with the storage of goods, packaging activities and services in the field of domestic shipping. The main activity is the exclusive distribution of laboratory diagnostics spol. ROCHE

Security Agency Travel agency Road freight transport - international - up to 3t Heavy freight transport Forwarding activity Sale - ships Carpentry work Bookkeeping Export and import business - food - Mobile Phones - ships Production - websites

Production - grids Truck transport - rubble Production - gates - goals Insulation of facades and buildings Production - balcony railing - wrought iron fences Realization - family houses Locksmith work

Transport: -personal -freight -goods transport. AVIA, Ford transit.

Transport - sand - gravel - concrete - soil - FORD TRANSIT LIAZ 150 cars

We offer international shipping, specializing in Turkey. Full truck transport, collection service, sea and air shipments. Knowledge of Turkish. We provide transport to Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia - both ways

Technical - organizational activity in the fire area Freight road transport Painting work Painting works Felling trees Carpentry work Electrical work Heating works Expert opinions for valuation and construction - appraisals for mortgage purposes of banks Laying - floor coverings

Transport and cleaning activities.

Container transport AVIA containers - debris and waste removal - Prague area - west Černošice, Dobřichovice, Řevnice, Mníšek pod Brdy

Domestic freight transport by AVIA D75 EL, flatbed with tarpaulin, 3.5t load capacity, loading area 2.45m x 6.5m, volume 37m3. Transport offer also on Sat. and in No.

Road transport: - international - national - moving.

Sale - protective equipment Container transport Lease - scaffolding Delivery - construction chemistry Rental - construction mechanization - tools Core drilling in reinforced concrete Construction - scaffolding Sales and service - tools Hardware store - fasteners.

Redemption - euro pallets - atypical palettes Truck transport - international - national Production and sale - euro pallets - atypical palettes

National and international road freight transport of piece and oversized consignments throughout Europe, specializing in Eastern Europe. We operate a collection service, regular shipments abroad and guarantee delivery to Russia and Turkey within 3 days

Storage Transportation - piece shipments Air Transport Naval transport Logistics Freight transport Haulage Personal transport

Freight and road transport. Our services are the transportation of piece and full truck shipments throughout the Czech Republic, storage, forwarding. We also offer logistics services.

- - international road freight transport with a load capacity of up to 10t

Container transport. We deal with waste collection and disposal. We provide container transport.

Offer tire and auto service. Operation of passenger and truck transport..

Haulage Crane work Glass works Concrete cutting and drilling Demolition - objects - chimneys - bridges Height work Construction - steel constructions.