Petr Tuma - Bezpecnostni sluzba PETTU

Palackeho 536/8, Ricany 251 01
The company Petr Tůma - Bezpečnostní služba PETTU provides security and protection of property or buildings. We focus on security and provide quality and professional services. We have many years of experience in this field, we provide security services most often in Říčany and around Prague.

Security services:
- protection of personal and company property
- physical security of buildings
- uniformed and civilian security equipment
- consultations on the provision of electronic and camera systems
- control of objects
- sale of mechanical security elements
- professional installation of mechanical security elements on buildings
- connection to the PCO central security desk with its own exit group
- collection and storage of mail (according to your instructions during your absence)
- care for pets during your absence.

If you need to guard your property all year round or only for a short time, we are here for you. The PETTU Security Service company will take care of everything. You can find us at Palackého 536/8, Říčany.

  • safeguarding of buildings, protection of people, central security desk, security systems, detective services, home security

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