Truhlarstvi Vojtech Laube

Klapy 205, Klapy 411 16
Telephone: +420 736 670 970

The company Vojtěch Laube, based in the village of Klapý in the district of Litoměřice, deals with all custom joinery production from laminate and solid wood.

We offer the production of carpentry products to order - custom-made furniture. We focus not only on production from laminate, but also from solid wood - everything depends on the customer's choice.

You can order from us the production of kitchen units and other kitchen furniture, as well as built-in wardrobes, living walls, windows and doors. We also offer the production of garden furniture, incl. pergolas and gazebos.

We operate primarily in the Ústí Region.

Our activity:
Joinery production
- the kitchen
- kitchen counters
- inbuilt wardrobe
- living walls
- windows
- the door
- garden furniture
- pergolas and gazebos
and more.

Reg. No.: 70574456
VAT No.: CZ7302202655
District: Litomerice
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: entrepreneur with trade license
Employees: without employees
Turnover: 8 thousand - 20 thousand €
Contact person: Vojtěch Laube

+420 736 670 970



Contact persons:
Vojtech Laube

GPS: 50°25′57.61″ N, 14°0′3.85″ E

Company's QR code Truhlarstvi Vojtech Laube

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