BASILDON s. r. o.

Za zahradami 421, Praha 10 - Dolni Mecholupy 109 00
Telephone: +420 605 256 824

The main activity of BASILDON Ltd. is to provide comprehensive services in the areas of accounting, tax records, accounting and tax consultancy and payroll processing. We provide our services to medium, small and large business entities in various sectors. Another field we deal with is property management and maintenance. Our accounting office can be found at Za zahradami 421, Prague 10.

Accounting office, services:
- comprehensive bookkeeping and tax records
- processing of payroll records
- accounting reconstruction
- accounting and tax consultancy
- processing of tax returns of both FO and PO
- financial analysis
- representing clients in offices.

Property management and maintenance:
- security of gas, water, electricity, heat and other media supply
- keeping technical records
- ensuring regular cleaning
- keeping records of tenants of flats and non-residential premises
- billing of heat, hot water and other services
- bookkeeping
- contracting and other real estate management and maintenance services.

Entrust your accounting to an expert. We have many years of experience in the field and our credo is as much as possible to meet your needs.

Reg. No.: 27872360
VAT No.: CZ27872360
District: Praha-mesto
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: 6 - 25 employees
Turnover: less then 8 thousand €
Contact person: Michaela Mrštíková Novotná

+420 605 256 824



Contact persons:
Michaela Mrstikova Novotna
tel: +420 605 256 824

GPS: 50°3′20.59″ N, 14°33′26.03″ E

Company's QR code BASILDON s. r. o.

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