Vlcnov 1280, Vlcnov 687 61
The company KLIMONT GLOBAL s.r.o. is a manufacturer of fire and non-fire inspection doors.

We also perform surface treatment of metals:
- painting, blasting, komaxitation.

Fire and non-fire inspection doors are used:
- to rooms, installation shafts, halls, corridors or ceilings - as access to various meters, electrical switchboards, circuit breakers, closures
- to locker rooms, closets, bathrooms, toilets - as access to water distribution
- use in air distribution
- fire ventilation equipment for apartment buildings.

Types of fire inspection doors - fire resistance up to 90 minutes:
- for plasterboard partitions - the lid consists of plasterboard, for the partition or ceiling, also for tiling
- for masonry partitions - tin lid double-leaf, single-leaf
- to the ceiling.

Fast production and delivery of atypical dimensions.

The fire inspection door meets the new standards of the European Union and is tested in the PAVÚS testing laboratory, certified by TZÚS Prague - branch 0600 Brno.

Operation, production in the Czech Republic:
- Vlčnov 1280 - district Uherské Hradiště, Zlín Region.
We are also represented for Slovakia:
- web: KlimontGlobal.sk
Milan Juhász - tel .: +421907401234
email: obchod@klimontglobal.sk.

  • metal jet blasting, metal varnishing, metallization of metals, hot metal plating, application of coating systems, electroplating of jointing material
  • workshop tools, files and rasps, vices, grinding wheels, screwdrivers, hammers and axes, iron nails
  • shaped rods, posts and balustrades, grating fences, art locksmithery, gates and railings

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