Entrust the economy and accounting of your company to professionals who will take care of tax filing, accounting, payroll, human resources, taxes and their optimization and representation before the relevant administrative authorities. The services and economic advice.

BELL consulting s.r.o.
Comprehensive economic and tax services are the main focus of BELL consulting s.r.o. in Brno. Want quality tax advice? Looking for a reliable company that will take care of accounting and payroll, taxes and payroll? Contact us! Don't waste your time billing, pay attention to your business. We provide economic and tax services for clients ...
Ucetnictvi Praha s.r.o. Vedeni ucetnictvi, mzdova evidence
Company Accounting Prague s.r.o. focuses on external accounting, tax records and payroll processing for legal and natural persons and non-profit organizations. Our services include tax, accounting advice, tax return processing and in agreement with the client we also represent before the authorities. We are based in Prague, Černý Most. Our ...
DUOPAM s.r.o. Ucetni a danova firma
Company DÚOPAM s.r.o. specializes in services in the field of accounting and tax records. Furthermore, the processing of control reports, taxes, tax returns and wages. We also offer personnel and payroll consulting, we will represent you at the authorities. Accounting and accounting services: - bookkeeping - taxes - tax records - processing ...
EKMA PLUS, s.r.o. Vedeni a zpracovani ucetnictvi Praha
Comprehensive accounting service: processing of single and double entry bookkeeping and VAT. Bookkeeping and accounting. Payroll:  - payroll processing  - management of a recruitment agency  - issuing payment orders  - preparation of monthly overviews and annual tax accounts Taxes and tax returns:  - the income tax of natural and ...
Danove poradenstvi Topinka Brno
Tax and accounting office, tax and accounting consultants.
Ucetni kancelar DEUSZ - Ing. Edita Gerlichova Szwedova ucetni-havirov.cz
Deusz - Accounting office Ing. Edita Szwedova in Havirov deals with all services in the field of accounting - bookkeeping, payroll, tax return processing, accounting services. We provide our services indiscriminately, yet we specialize mainly in the business sphere. Thanks to a team that is experienced and well trained, our services are ...
Danove poradenstvi Praha - Ing. Richard Schuh Fiskala RS s.r.o.
Fiskala RS s.r.o., C 6933, kept by the Municipal Court in Prague. Company registered with the Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic Ing. Richard Schuh - Member of the Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic 000145 Certified tax and accounting expert Prague Tax consulting Prague Tax returns Prague  - preparation, ...
Ing. Vladimira Rippelova Danovy poradce Kladno
Tax Advisor - Member of the Tax Chamber advisors in the Czech Republic, offering tax and accounting services. We have been dealing with these services since 1994, providing services mainly in Kladno in Prague, Slaný, Rakovník. Services we provide: - double-entry bookkeeping and tax records, cash register, ledger - accounting, financial ...
ANESO s.r.o. Sprava nemovitosti Praha 6
We offer complete property management according to customer requirements. We manage cooperative homes and real estate privatized by law. You have a wide range of services to choose from, including:  - preparation, registration and monitoring of rental contracts  - control of units and timely payment of rent  - Ensuring extensive repairs  - ...
SPOLECNOST AUDIT DANE, s.r.o. auditorske sluzby Zlin
COMPANY AUDIT DANĚ, s.r.o. mainly provides audit services. We also provide economic, tax and accounting advice, consolidation valuation and financial analysis. Our company was founded in 1994 and during its operation it has built a strong position on the market and an extensive network of clients, especially in the Zlín region. However, we are ...
KRALgroup elektromery - transformatory - e-shop
KRALgroup – an association of individuals which sells and manufactures instruments for measuring electrical quantities. From our catalogue you can choose: Electricity meters: - for DIN rail (single and three-phase, direct and indirect, 2- and 4-quadrant) - mobile and special - RFID and GSM. Electric network analyzers: - for mounting on ...
TRue account s.r.o. ucetni firma Havirov
Accounting office TRue account s.r.o. in Havířov, it provides bookkeeping for small and medium-sized companies, tax records for self-employed persons (OSVČ), including the processing of tax returns, financial statements and personnel and payroll. Our team is composed of experienced and professional accountants who have extensive experience and ...
MEBYS Trutnov s.r.o. Sprava a udrzba nemovitosti Trutnov
Company MEBYS Trutnov s.r.o. acts as property manager and manages residential and non-residential units and sports facilities. We also offer services for business entities in the field of accounting, payroll and tax returns We manage town houses, indoor swimming pool, summer swimming pool, ice rink, tennis complex, city stadium and sports ...
D&D International, s.r.o. Vedeni a zpracovani ucetnictvi Praha 9
Complete processing and bookkeeping for small and large companies, as well as for individuals and legal entities. We also provide processing of simple tax records and returns, payroll accounting, services related to personnel administration and regular monthly or quarterly VAT processing. Our services can be used in Prague and the entire ...
TAYLOR, s.r.o.
Knowledge - accounting - tax records - payroll agendas - accounting consultancy - digitization of documents - digitization of invoices - digitization of contractual documents Knowledge - HR
Realitni kancelar REALIT Ing. Leo Zubek
Real estate agents. Purchase, sale, charge, mediation: - real estates, lands, flats, huts, cottages, industrial buildings - housing and utility rooms. Authorised expert: - appraisal of real estates. Consultancy: - real estates. Engineering activity. Supervision.
ProgEco s.r.o. AINEX - ucetni software
Our company ProgEco s.r.o. develops accounting and payroll software that offers efficiency and time savings. You can choose Accounting software Professional and Payroll software Ainex, which provides accounting services and bookkeeping for companies and sole traders. We will also gladly provide you with economic and tax advice in Prostějov and ...
REALITDATA  Zdravotnicke potreby
REALITDATA, based in Ostrava, specializes in the sale of orthopedic, rehabilitation and compensatory aids such as walkers, footwear, insoles, compression stockings, inhalers, blood pressure or knee orthoses, WC attachments, bath or shower seats, etc. Our goods are of good quality and at the same time affordable and we buy them directly from ...
KONZULTA Brno, a.s.
Tax consultancy for corporate bodies/legal entities and natural persons, turnkey solution of tax and tax-legal questions. Business consulting - business plans, loan applications, balance. SMS-operator-integrated system of mobile communications use through SMS, i.e. consumer competitions, surveys, SMS voting, SMS mobile marketing, collective SMS ...
Ing. Klara Kohlerova Ucetnictvi Praha 8, Liberec, Kolin
Ing. Klára Köhlerová provides her clients with comprehensive accounting services. I will ensure the processing of double-entry bookkeeping, annual corporate income tax return, tax returns, tax records and also the administration of payroll for small organizations. You can visit the offices at: - Na Sypkem 89/7, Prague 8 - Na Zizkov 812/27, ...
UK OL Krchnakova, s.r.o. Vedeni ucetnictvi a danove evidence
Management of accounting and payroll, including processing of taxes and annual accounts for natural, legal and non-profit entities.
PhDr. Marie Slamova
Services: - tax and accounting advice, - bookkeeping and tax records, - payroll and personnel agenda - processing of tax returns for corporate income tax, personal income tax, road tax, value added tax, including control reports Office Fischerova 12, in Znojmo tel .: 739465987
Ing. Dana Homolova - ucetnictvi a danove poradenstvi
Tax and accounting office Ing. Dana Homolová has been dealing with accounting and tax issues since 1997. It focuses on bookkeeping, tax records, processing tax returns and consulting. We are based in the town of Odra at Mendlova 655/21 and you will also find our branch in Nový Jičín. Services of our office: - bookkeeping (formerly ...