KOVO - Cerveny s.r.o.

Pulice 24, Dobruska 518 01
Telephone: +420 724 273 577

The company KOVO - Červený s.r.o. focuses on metal processing. We can offer our customers services in the field of metalworking and locksmithing. You can find us at Pulice 24, Dobruška, district Rychnov nad Kněžnou.

Jobs, services:
- metalworking
- metalworking
- locksmithery
- locksmith work.

If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us.

Reg. No.: 03462251
VAT No.: CZ03462251
District: Rychnov nad Kneznou
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: 6 - 25 employees
Turnover: 1 200 thousand - 2 400 thousand €
Contact person: Petr Červený

+420 724 273 577


Contact persons:
Petr Cerveny

GPS: 50°17′43.08″ N, 16°7′54.98″ E

Company's QR code KOVO - Cerveny s.r.o.

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