Rostislav Havelka

Hosteradice 425, Hosteradice 671 71
The company Rostislav Havelka based in the district of Znojmo offers its customers all preparatory and finishing construction work. We specialize in the delivery of turnkey construction work and related activities, such as earthworks, excavation work, building foundations and other specialized construction activities.

Our activity:

- complete construction work

- turnkey constructions

- excavation work

- earthworks

- finishing job

and other construction activities.

You can find us in the village of Hostěradice č.p. 425 in the district of Znojmo.

  • simple masonry works, concrete laying, brick wall erection, assembly of prefabricated parts, surface finish of masonry structures
  • water line digging, sewerage digging, underground utility construction, construction of surface roads, pavement and sidewalk construction, landscaping and ground work

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