Excavations drainage, demolition, excavating the foundations of houses, digging trenches for utilities, modification of terrain or excavation for swimming pools? All these activities fall within the scope of earthwork and excavation works, which are carried out using excavators, or excavators.

FIRECLAY, spol. s r.o. Komplexni prumyslove stavby Litvinov
FIRECLAY is a company that provides comprehensive services in the field of construction activities in the industrial and energy sectors. Our key specialization is the realization of industrial buildings and the supply of technologies. The company is based in LitvA­nov and is known as a professional and reliable supplier of industrial buildings ...
BADIN s.r.o. Zemni a vykopove prace Brno venkov
Earthworks, utilities, transport structures, trucking, these are services for the city of Ivančice, district Brno-Country, which will mediate the company Badin s.r.o. Our company reliably takes care of all preparatory and finishing works in the field of construction realization. The scope of our services consists mainly of all earthmoving and ...
Autodoprava Bohdalek Znojmo Zemni a vykopove prace
Autodoprava Bohdálek provides ground and excavation work, including landscaping. Our other main activities also include debris removal. Ground and excavation work, landscaping and rubble removal will be provided for all clients from the surroundings of Znojmo, Moravský Krumlov and Pohořelice. Our company is engaged in providing complete ...
Dopravni stavby Smrcka s.r.o.
Transport constructions Smrčka s.r.o. will take care of earthworks, gravel laying, lighting, paving, tree felling, landscaping and much more.
Eltom, s.r.o.
Company Eltom s.r.o. focuses on electrical work in the field of LV and MV voltage. We are engaged in the construction and maintenance of public lighting equipment, perform electrical inspections and earthworks, including temporary and definitive surface treatments. We operate mainly in the districts of Ostrava, Karviná, Frýdek Místek, Opava and ...
CERNOHORSKY s.r.o. Jerabnicke, zemni prace Opava
Company ČERNOHORSKÝ s.r.o. provides crane and earthworks throughout the Czech Republic, mainly in Opava and the Moravian-Silesian Region. We realize smaller construction orders and large constructions with twenty years of experience in the field. We have modern and powerful machinery. The company carries out crane work with its own mobile ...
ROBICONT Robert Lucan Prumyslovy sberny dvur Chropyne
ROBICONT focuses on the delivery and rental of waste containers. We will take care of waste disposal including disposal. We also provide earthwork and excavation work in the region of Kromeriz, Zlin Region. Rental, delivery:  -containers, containers. Operation - industrial collection yard. Services:  - removal and disposal of waste, ...
SAPA - LPJ, spol.s.r.o. Pozemni stavby Vysoke Myto
Construction company SAPA - LPJ, spol.s.r.o. - we carry out construction and construction, reconstruction and modernization:  - communication  - buildings for housing, trade and services  - Local roads, squares and utilities  - transport and civil engineering works  - roads, sidewalks, parking areas, parking lots  - laying of sewers, ...
Building activity: -complete building supplies -engineering structures, building construction, roads -industrial floor concreting -self-levelling and cement poured floors -demolition -roof structure assembly -wall and floor tiling -earth work -roofing, concrete work, plasterwork -installation technical building equipment ...
REKOS Olomouc spol. s.r.o. Autojeraby STEJSKAL-REKOS Olomouc
If you are looking for a company that will assemble and disassemble components, sheathing of buildings, moving machines or ensuring reach to poorly accessible locations, then REKOS Olomouc spol. s.r.o. the professional business you need. It focuses on working with crane trucks (crane work) and also provides you with their rental. We do crane ...
Miroslav Slabihoudek Zemni prace Praha zapad
Our company EARTHWORK Miroslav Slabihoudek from Mníšek pod Brdy offers a wide range of services in the field of earthmoving and excavation work including landfill. We also recycle construction waste (rubble). We also provide trucking. We are also engaged in cutting asphalt and soil compaction. We sort and crush demolition waste and excavation ...
REKOM Novy Bydzov, a.s. Stavebni cinnost Hradec Kralove
Construction company REKOM Nový Bydžov, a.s. focuses on the construction and reconstruction of roads. We are also engaged in the production of concrete mixtures. We realize constructions as complex deliveries on request of the customer and the latest methods of quality management according to ISO 9001 standard Construction activity:  - ...
Zelina Martin Recyklacni dvur Miskovice, Hulin
The Zelina company provides container transport and performs all earthworks, excavation work and landscaping, demolition and demolition of buildings, including processing and recycling of construction waste. Container transport and all work are carried out in the Zlín Region, Kroměříž, Zlín, Holešov. We are professionals in our ...
HYDROSPOR spol. s r.o.
Construction/ building: -engineering communications and service pipelines - specialized in water main, drainage/ sewerage: -materials: PVC, HDPE, fibreglass HOBAS, cast iron, stoneware, concrete. Renovation: -existing water mains/ pipelines and drain lines. Earthwork: -manual/ hand works, by excavators. Deterioration: ...
GLUMBIK s.r.o. Vystavba  rekonstrukce plynovodu
GLUMBIK Ltd. Ostrava. Assembly, repairs, service, overhauls, tests: -reserved gas equipment -manufacturing equipment. Provision: -technical support. Production: -machinery and equipment for general purposes -metal structures, boilers, bodies, containers. Activity: -engineering in investment construction -design in ...
VK - AQUA OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o. Vystavba vodovodu, kanalizaci Olomouc
Construction and reconstruction of water supply, sewerage, water supply and engineering networks and other water management structures is the main activity of the company VK - AQUA OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o. We will take care of a comprehensive supply of engineering networks: - we provide all work - earthworks, excavation, demolition - delivery ...
JK Srotmetal - Katerina Osohova zpracovani kovosrotu Uherske Hradiste
Redemption: - iron and non-ferrous metals. If there is a large amount of waste, we will provide free removal of iron and non-ferrous metals.
REIN BAU, s.r.o.
The supplier REIN BAU s.r.o. based in Prague has two main divisions. One of them is Rein Bau construction, which has been dealing with apartment renovations, earthworks for 10 years and also offers gardening services. The second company, Rein Bau 3D Services, has been providing professional extermination and prevention of rodents, insects and ...
TALPA - RPF, s.r.o.
Earthworks: -trenchless pipelaying - engineering communications and service pipelines -passages under the roads, railways, rivers/ water streams, earth controlled trenchless pipelaying -controlled horizontal drilling -moling. Ecology: -decontamination - old environmental burdens -waste management -geological, hydrogeological/ ground ...
Uniservis Hasek s.r.o. Elektromontazni prace Kladno
ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND INSPECTIONS - complete electrical installation work from low voltage to high voltage up to 22kV: - reconstruction and repair of electrical equipment - new installations for the industrial and civil sector - construction of cable networks - construction of transformer stations - construction of public ...
SEZEV-REKO, a.s. Vystavba a rekonstrukce zeleznic Brno
The supplier SEŽEV-REKO, a.s. is engaged in production and reconstruction of railways and roads. Our services in the following areas: - site facilities - construction and reconstruction of tramway and railway superstructure and sub-bases - earthwork - remediation, drainage - complete work on rail bed and sleeper bed - construction of ...
GALVA TRANS, Ltd. is a developing company that focuses on traffic construction. We are a reliable partner of GALVA s.r.o. and we can provide you with everything from freight transport, recycling, excavation and demolition around Prostějov, Olomouc and Přerov. Earthwork, road transport. - earthmoving and excavation work - transport of bulk ...
VAMA s.r.o. Opravy a revize elektroinstalace Decin
Our company can offer you a wide range of electrical installation and other works. We focus on installations in the area of low and high voltage, repairs of domestic and industrial installations, substations and LV and HV underground cables, as well as revisions. LV installations: - residential and industrial installations - cable ...
Elektroprogres Hranice, spol. s r.o.
The company Elektroprogres Hranice, spol. s r.o. is engaged in electrical installations, such as LV connections for ČEZ a.s., relocations of LV and HV, house and residential electrical installations. Performs earthworks mini excavators 0, 9 t and 3, 5 t. We also rent a high-lift platform for work at heights up to 14 meters. We operate in the ...