Rosicka 333, Tetcice 664 17
The company holds the ISO 9001:2001 quality certificate.
Design and construction work, engineering, production, delivery:
-technological parts for the energy, petrochemical, engineering and construction industries:
- air ducts
- flue pipes
- regulating flaps of various designs
- parts for grinding and conveyor equipment
-steel construction of conveyors
-noise dampers
-storage spaces under truck trailers
-parts for rolling stock
- machining of metals
- shafts and pins
- shaft sealing
- injection head
- measuring probes
-renovation of parts by means of plasma melting of metals
- steel structures, welded
- standard locksmith production
-consultation in the field of purchasing, trade and project management processes as preparation for certification according to ISO standards
-construction management.
Carrying out heat spraying during the renovation of parts for rolling stock, the chemical industry and the energy industry

  • machining work, turning and lathe work, milling work, round grinding, flat grinding, CNC machining
  • constructions for industry, metal structures, engineering work, manufacture of metal equipment, production of tools
  • interior steel structure construction, steel structure anchoring, steel structure assembly

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