Daniel Krizak

Verovice 501, Verovice 742 73
Telephone: +420 731 163 167

Creation of websites, e-shops and email marketing. We help entrepreneurs make their business more successful, thanks to online communication and the Internet. We will create a website for you that will help you bring in new customers and take care of existing ones.

Reg. No.: 74510410
District: Novy Jicin
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: entrepreneur with trade license
Employees: without employees
Turnover: 20 thousand - 40 thousand €
Contact person: Daniel Križák

+420 731 163 167



Contact persons:
Daniel Krizak
tel: +420 555 500 113
email: info@danielkrizak.cz

GPS: 49°32′12.41″ N, 18°7′43.86″ E

Company's QR code Daniel Krizak

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