Vladimir Michalec

Sadova 278/23, Krelov - Bruchotin 783 36
The company Vladimír Michalec will provide you with comprehensive services in trucking. We provide transportation of goods and shipments, transportation of oversized shipments and heavy loads, as well as transportation of bulk materials. The seat of the company can be found at Křelov - Břuchotín, Sadová 278/23, district Olomouc.

- transport, road transport, transportation
- trucking
- transport of goods and consignments
- transport of oversized consignments and heavy loads
- transport of bulk materials
- earthworks.

If you are looking for a quality and reliable carrier, do not hesitate to use the services of Vladimír Michalec.

  • inland truck transport, inland transport of oversized loads, haulier liability insurance
  • soil excavation, landscaping, earthwork for utility networks, loading and transportation of soil, strengthening of surfaces

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