Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Activity: - forwarding - domestic and international truck transport

Domestic and international trucking. International and domestic forwarding.

Services: - forwarding -national and international transport

International and domestic road transport and forwarding.

Forwarding - road, train and sea container transport - customs services - storage. Bookkeeping - tax records - HR.

Truck transport - international - forwarding.

Transport, forwarding, shipping. Extraction of vehicles, processing of customs formalities, declarations. Transportation: - international - national - piece shipments.

Services: - international and domestic transport - forwarding.

Domestic and international transport, passenger transport, forwarding and logistics services.

International road Transport - transport and forwarding services.

Forwarding company providing transportation worldwide, using a reliable network of agents. International and domestic freight transport - air, rail and sea container transport, forwarding, customs services and storage.

Driving school. International and domestic trucking. Forwarding. Management of accounting and tax records.

Transport, forwarding - road freight transport - storage. Gas station. Restaurant.

Services: - international truck transport - forwarding

Transport, forwarding - international and domestic freight transport. Sale of spare parts for trucks. Car service, car repair shop - service and repair of trucks. Tire service. Assistance service - vehicle towing. Crane work.

Provision of freight transport and forwarding services.

Domestic and international transport and logistics - rail transport - sea transport - road freight transport.

Services: - international forwarding - public customs warehouse - distribution of goods - barcode production (EAN 13, EAN 128) - bar code pasting - sticking with Czech labels - repacking of cartons - preparation of cartons - preparation of cartons to be sent by PROFI package - shooting a tag - production of Czech labels A6, ...

SCHENKER company provides international flow of goods among manufacturing and trade subjects worldwide and in the Czech Republic. In Europe land transport and worldwide air and sea freight. Schenker is one of the leading international providers of integrated logistics and global forwarding services. INTERNATIONAL GROUPAGE SERVICE -regular ...

Forwarding and logistics. Complete logistics services. Collection service Austria. Connection to the Lagermax distribution network.

Company activity: - logistic solutions - road transport - air Transport - rail transport - Naval transport - luggage transportation - Customs declaration - storage - accompanying services.

Activity: - domestic, international freight transport - forwarding - storage