Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Road transport, forwarding Transport, forwarding - transport and forwarding activities - delivery of goods - storage of goods - customs clearance of goods - clearance of goods - customs services Our forwarders and drivers are non-stop on their mobile phones ready to meet your requirements immediately. Shipping around the ...

You can find our Břeclav office at the border crossing with the Slovak Republic, on the main stretch of the D2 highway. In addition to customs services, we provide money exchange and sale of highway stamps here. CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

Sales, e-shop: - audio: - acoustic door - equipment for guitars - gramophones - microphones - mixing consoles - studio microphones - final amplifiers - video board - sound cards - studio equipment - golf accessories: - golf clothes - golf bag - golf ball - dog food - knives and tools: - ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

CZECH INTERNATIONAL, a.s. - the most important agency of customs services in the Czech Republic. The company provides full support in all aspects of customs and tax procedures, incl. application preparation and consultancy. In addition to transportation and customs services, it also provides optimal solutions in the area of warehouse and ...

Forwarding, forwarding services. Transport, transport of material, goods. Shipping and representation in customs procedures. Domestic and international transport Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in transport.

Transport: - cargo, van, truck - national, international - forwarding, shipping - special for transporting chemicals Work: - heat and sound insulation TEMPELAN, INTELAN

Freight transport, domestic and international, comprehensive transport services. Forwarding. Earthworks, foundation of buildings.

Services: - domestic -international - traffic - forwarder. Trucks - solo and sets for transporting bulk materials. Sale: -wood briquettes -wooden pellets -grill assortment - chopped wood.

International shipping. Forwarding, forwarding and logistics services. Representation in customs proceedings. Truck transport up to 3.5 tons. Goods transport.

Domestic and international transport with vehicles up to 3.5 t. Domestic and international transport by vehicles over 3.5 t. Domestic and international forwarding. Migration.

Truck transport - international and national Forwarding

International transport - all the world. Ocean container transport. Shipowner. Agent of an shipowner. Water transport. Container transport. Sea transport. A.P.Moller group. Shipping line.

Offer of forwarding and transport services of national and international transport.

Road transport, transportation: - cargo, international, truck transportation of VOLVO FH 12 cars, SCANIA 124L, RENAULT PREMIUM 385 - specialization in Turkey, Bulgaria - shipping, forwarding.

Domestic and international truck transport, forwarding. Sets, trailers. Vehicles: RENAULT, PEUGEOT MAN. Place of business: 412 Kneždub 69664.