Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Shipping and forwarding: -international and domestic transportation - transport of personal and light commercial vehicles vehicles..

Verve Invest Group, a.s. was founded in 1989 and nowadays includes a whole range of activities focused on transport, services to motorists and publishing. Since 2000, our company has been meeting European ISO 9001 quality standards.

Shipping company, center of the CS EXPRES a.s. transport system: - express delivery of parcels - transport of ADR goods - transportation to and from abroad - customs services - forwarding services - logistics services - storage - sorting - grouping of shipments - distribution activity according to requirements.

Are you looking for a reliable car carrier? Do you need to transport oversized cargo? Company Ing. Jaroslava Fronka is at your disposal. We deal with car transport, forwarding activities, we transport oversized loads, we carry out crane work, we operate a car repair shop. For road transport, we have 40 canvas semi-trailers, 1 jumbo set, 2 special ...

Transport - domestic and international, road freight. Forwarding.

Services: - national, domestic transport, forwarding, shipping - international, foreign transport, forwarding, shipping - transport and courier services in Hodonín, transports.

Our services: - driving school - bookkeeping - forwarding.

The company holds a quality certificate according to the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2000 standard Road transport, forwarding, logistics: - domestic and international freight transport according to the CMR convention - provision of complete services in automobile transport - storage - provision of customs formalities - vehicles equipped for the ...

National, domestic truck transport. Truck transport. International truck forwarding - forwarding activity. Crop production. Export, import of agricultural commodities. Grain trade. Livestock production. Activities in plant and animal production. Landscaping of gardens, parks, orchards and other green areas. Activities related to ...

International and domestic freight transport: - Czech Republic - all Europe - forwarding - storage - oversized transport - full truck shipments. AVIA service: - NON-STOP - mechanical work - maintenance - general repairs - washing vehicles, including the engine - refueling with cheap, high-quality diesel - sale of motor ...

Sale of eco-fuels: - firewood - wood briquettes - pellets Forwarding services Domestic and international transport - up to 3.5 t

International, domestic shipping, forwarding, transportation: - full truck loads and unit shipments - mining -transportation: - truck, TIR -oversized, heavy loads -ADR dangerous goods (flammables, explosives, corrosives) - transport by low-tonnage vehicles up to 8t (incl. equipped with a hydraulic front), cars and with a towbar up ...

Service offer: - logistic services, contract logistics - storage - taking over production processes - forwarding services, forwarding - transport - land, air, sea - customs clearance.

Service offer: - logistic services, contract logistics - storage - taking over production processes - forwarding services, forwarding - transport - land, air, sea - customs clearance.

Storage - customs services International transport of parcels International road transport International and domestic forwarding

Services. - forwarder, forwarder - delivery of parcels. Truck transport - container transport: - national, domestic - foreign, international .- mainly Italy, Germany, France and Austria. Vehicle fleet: - Daewoo vehicles up to a useful weight of 3500 kg, loading length areas up to 6.6 m - Volkswagen vans - Tatra beta ...

Services. - forwarder, forwarder - delivery of parcels. Truck transport - container transport: - national, domestic - foreign, international .- mainly Italy, Germany, France and Austria.

International and domestic shipping of parcels: - forwarding - logistic services (projects, storage, transport of unit and full-load consignments) - road transport.

Transport services: - international transport for transporting parcels - transportation by own vehicles or through contracted carriers - issuance of all necessary documents - forwarding - consultancy.

Forwarding, domestic and international shipping service.

Forwarding (international shipping): - express transport of print and pieces - shipment - 24 hour service - all-wheel drive - piecemeal - maritime - piece shipments and containers - air - piece shipments and containers - customs services - storage - risk insurance.

Container transport Logistics Forwarding