Dispatching and forwarding includes national and international transport. It can be divided into road, sea, air and rail transport. Freight forwarding services, as express transport, delivery, export and import, storage are available to all.

Road transport: -international and domestic transport -forwarding, logistics - transportation of parcels - transport up to 8 people. Services: -experts of advertising prints -storage.

CAR TRANSPORT - domestic freight transport - domestic truck transport - international transport, road transport - transportation of unit shipments, shipment delivery - transportation of parcels, deliveries - domestic transport of individual and full-load consignments - freight transport, transport - transport of parcels, transport of ...

- road, freight transport - forwarding and logistics services.

Truck transport - international Forwarding

Road transport, road transport, logistics. -international road Transport -forwarding, forwarding activity -domestic transport and forwarding -realization of the transport of a tarpaulin, box vehicle. Provision of transport, transport throughout Europe. Customs clearance. We have the following fleet: vehicles with a useful weight of up ...

Transportation of excessive loads. - including permits in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. Transport by semi-trailer, length of goods up to 20 meters (extending semi-trailer) Ensuring the authorization of excessive costs of the Czech Republic and SK, including van accompanying vehicles (with permission) Domestic and international ...

Road transport, transportation, transportation: - system of express transportation of pieces shipments throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia - TOPTRANS (delivery time 24 hours) -international and domestic shipping company - forwarding - comprehensive customs services - road truck transport in the Czech Republic and ...

Services - forwarding - domestic and foreign truck transport

Services - shipping - customs services - storage - forwarding - international freight transport - transportation of full-car and piece shipments - transportation of dangerous and oversized goods

Services - storage and distribution - logistics - international and domestic freight transport - forwarding

Forwarding, road transport / road haulage / trucking, freight forwarding, logistics: -high quality vehicle fleet of contractual carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in Time" way -goods insurance up to CZK 10 million -full service in all sectors of transport - land transport, air transport, shipping, sea transport, rail ...

Services: -domestic, international truck transport. - forwarding.

Road transport, transportation, transportation: -freight: -international (foreign) - domestic (domestic).

National and international truck transport. Forwarding.

Services: - delivery truck transport - forwarding - courier transport

Services: -national and international transport - forwarding -collection service -car service -tire service - manual car washing

Ship transportation Haulage Forwarding activity

Family company with a focus on freight forwarding and road transport.

The main focus of NOSRETI a.s., Specialtransport division is comprehensive services in the transportation of heavy and oversized loads. We are specialists in transporting loads weighing up to 800 tonnes. We have 60 years of experience in heavy transport and have a modern and variable vehicle fleet, thanks to which we can transport any load to ...

We perform: - transport and forwarding services.

Services: - forwarding - logistics - international and domestic truck transport

VALATRANS a.s. provides comprehensive transport and logistics services. Transport, transportation: -international -national, domestic road transport and shipping - truck, cargo. Additional services: -storage - car bazaar - passenger, cargo, off-road, etc commercial vehicles -tire service-all kinds of new ones ...

Branch. Transport: - road freight. -maritime. - aviation. -combined transport. Services: - forwarding. - logistics. LSC - Starzone campus.

Transport, road transport: - international - foreign - freight - truck - container - intermodal. Forwarding. Mining. Shipping. Logistics.