Bc. Pavlina Pelikanova

Salasska 39, Velehrad 687 06
Velehrad natural cosmetics - these are handmade natural herbal ointments, creams, soaps and shampoos made from hand-picked herbs of the beautiful Chřib landscape.

I create for you with love, care, respect and humility for people, nature and the environment.
I make sure that the care and power of herbs remain in all products, reach your home and can help you.
For production, I use herbs that I collect or grow myself. I produce from high-quality raw materials according to my own proven recipes and traditions of herbalism.

  • women's make-ups, men's cosmetics, women's deodorants, men's antiperspirants, washing powders and detergents, fragrances and perfumes, toilet waters, women's cosmetics, body lotions, shower gels, hair shampoos

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