Electronic Design and Service s.r.o.

Velkopavlovicka 25, Brno 628 00
Telephone: +420 544 230 575
Web: edas.cz

Custom development, production of electronics and microelectronics using surface mounting technology (SMT):
-measuring and regulating (control systems)
-microprocessor technology and applications.
-engineering and design activities
-design, mounting and soldering of flats
connections in SMD on the controller.
-room thermostats
-sauna heating regulators
-Timer switch
-time stair switch
-timer for fan control
-dispenser and vacuum pipette for
dosing of liquid media, solder pastes
and adhesives
-soldering irons with precise temperature control
-protection of switchboards with flash sensor
-optical sensors
-Lighting regulation
-electronic promotional items
-modules with hybrid pulse sources
-fault signaling.

Reg. No.: 44964366
VAT No.: CZ44964366
District: Brno-mesto
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: unspecified
Turnover: 40 thousand - 120 thousand €
Contact person: Ing. Vladimír Šimeček

+420 544 230 575



Contact persons:
Ing. Vladimir Simecek
tel: +420 544 230 575
fax: +420 544 230 575
email: si.eds@atlas.cz

Ing. Jiri Nentvich
tel: +420 544 230 575, +420 603 328 842
fax: +420 544 230 575
email: si.eds@atlas.cz

Working time:

GPS: 49°12′18.76″ N, 16°39′38.95″ E

Company's QR code Electronic Design and Service s.r.o.

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