Milena Stasakova

Bukova u Pribrame 6, Jince 262 23
We offer non-bank loans, loans and mortgages from private investors. We do not require income, we do not look into bank and non-bank registers. With us, you don't pay any fees in advance and you don't even call disadvantageous phone numbers such as 900, etc. We will help you choose the most favorable loan or mortgage directly for you. We combine your unfavorable loans and credits into one loan with a maturity of up to 20 years. Annual interest rates from 7% (p.a.). We will pay the execution within 24 hours, we will stop the auction of your property. We will represent you in negotiations with executors and creditors.

  • financial investments, property insurance, life insurance, financial product consultations
  • banks and insurance companies, cooperative savings companies, financial and leasing companies, factoring institutions, taxes and accounting
  • non-bank mortgages, property-secured loans, property valuation, loan consolidations, auction pay offs, execution pay offs

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