Gepex s.r.o.

Kurimska 1926/21a, Brno - Reckovice 621 00
Telephone: +420 603 474 282

The company Gepex s.r.o. is a professional tool supplier. We have been operating on the market for many years and therefore we will always advise you on the most suitable product for you.

We have most of the goods in stock, or we can order them. We deliver the goods in Brno for free with our transport, or we can send them anywhere in the Czech Republic by courier.

We provide warranty and post-warranty service for all the brands we offer. We will be happy to arrange a service for you. All you have to do is deliver or send the goods to us.

We will be happy to advise you on the selection of suitable goods, whether it is power tools, hand tools or any other equipment.

Range of products:
- electric tools
- tools
- tool accessories
- electrical installation material
- plumbing supplies
- specialized equipment.

We are located at Kuřimská 1926/21a, Brno - Řečkovice.

Reg. No.: 26931150
VAT No.: CZ26931150
District: Brno-mesto
Country: The Czech Republic
Legal form: limited company
Employees: up to 5 employees
Turnover: 120 thousand - 200 thousand €

+420 603 474 282



GPS: 49°14′25.51″ N, 16°34′54.34″ E

Company's QR code Gepex s.r.o.

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