Elektro COMPLEX Tomas Toth
The company Elektro COMPLEX - Tomáš Tóth, based in Bohušovice nad Ohří in the district of Litoměřice, deals with complex electrical services. Our activity includes everything from the provision of electrical assembly, installation, repair of electrical machines and devices, including electronic and telecommunication equipment, as well as ...
Jiri Silhavy zednicke prace, obklady, dlazby Kromeriz
Masonry, plumbing and electrical installation. Laying tiles and paving. Construction, reconstruction - industrial halls, family houses Reconstruction - apartment cores, bathrooms, kitchens.
The company Jeřáby Besta s. r. o. focuses on the handling of bulky or heavy loads with the help of cranes. These are capable of lifting a load of up to 60 tons. We approach each customer individually, whether it is the price or the speed of the order. Tatra, Grove or Demag mobile cranes, Tatra or Scania tippers for various purposes and the ...
Zemni prace Stanek s.r.o.
In the company Zemní práce Staněk s.r.o. we can offer our clients the best in the field of earthworks and excavation, demolition or waste disposal, and we always try to ensure that they receive quality, tailored services from us. Work: - ground and excavation - demolition - removal and disposal of waste. Because we have many years of ...
Jiri Konrad cisteni vrtu a studni
Mr. Jiří Konrád deals with the cleaning of boreholes and wells. We are based in the town of Odry in the district of Nový Jičín. As part of well cleaning, we offer all activities from disconnecting and pulling the pump out of the well and pumping out the existing water, through the pumping out of dirt and sludge and cleaning the walls of the ...
Rychmont-stav s.r.o.
Work, craft: - locksmithery - laying interlocking paving - brick, concrete, metal and wooden fences Production: - the door - gates - fences - The door
Pavel Herrmann studnarske prace
Drilled and dug wells, cleaning of drilled wells, wells for heat pumps, pump assembly, hydrogeological assessments.
DANKOVIC geodeticka kancelar s.r.o.
The company Dankovič geodeticka kancelář, s.r.o. from Pilsen focuses on geodetic work - geometric plans, demarcation of land boundaries, land division, elevations, mapping and design documents, orientation of buildings for mortgage or approval, easement, real estate cadastre, measurement of utility networks, digitization maps We offer geodetic ...
Injekta s.r.o.
The company Injekta s.r.o. with headquarters in Hovorčovice in the district of Praha - Východ is dedicated to comprehensive sealing, rehabilitation, repairs, waterproofing of masonry, concrete and monolithic reinforced concrete structures against moisture, rising water and pressure water. In addition, we also offer advice and proposals for sealing ...
Jaroslav Helesic klempirstvi, zamecnictvi
The company Helešic Jaroslav from the village of Hrušky offers work in the field of plumbing and locksmithing, with which we have many years of experience. Offer of crafts: - plumbing work - locksmith work - production of window sills and all house cladding - chimney lining - gutters, gutter system - downspouts, various colors. We ...
Jiri Stodt instalaterske prace
The company Jiří Štodt, based in the city of Brno, deals with all plumbing, gas and heating works. As part of our activity, we also offer servicing of refrigeration equipment and catering equipment, rough preparation of wiring and installation of all components, as well as assembly of furnishings. At the same time, you can contact us with a ...
MMHEATING Matej Morong
Water heat gas. Plumbing work: - distribution of water and waste pipes - installation of: boilers, batteries, domestic waterworks. Heating works: - heating distribution systems - installation of: gas boilers, solid fuel boilers. Gas works - gas distribution - assembly and disassembly of gas appliances. Emergency ...